email = new EmailController(); } public static function one_time_message($class, $message) { if ($class == 'error') { $class = 'danger'; } Session::flash('alert-class', 'alert-' . $class); Session::flash('message', $message); } // key_value [key,value, collection] public static function key_value($key, $value, $collection) { $return_value = []; foreach ($collection as $row) { $return_value[$row[$key]] = $row[$value]; } return $return_value; } /* * @param $user_id * @param $permissions * @static has_permission */ public static function has_permission($user_id, $permissions = '') { $permissions = explode('|', $permissions); $permission_id = []; $i = 0; $prefix = str_replace('/', '', request()->route()->getPrefix()); if ($prefix == config('adminPrefix')) { $user_type = 'Admin'; } else { $user_type = 'User'; } $userPermissions = Permission::whereIn('name', $permissions)->get(['id']); foreach ($userPermissions as $value) { $permission_id[$i++] = $value->id; } $role = RoleUser::where(['user_id' => $user_id, 'user_type' => $user_type])->first(['role_id']); if (count($permission_id) && isset($role->role_id)) { $has_permit = PermissionRole::where('role_id', $role->role_id)->whereIn('permission_id', $permission_id); return $has_permit->count(); } else { return 0; } } /** * Undocumented function * * @param [type] $host * @param [type] $user * @param [type] $pass * @param [type] $name * @param string $tables * @return void */ public function backup_tables($host, $user, $pass, $name, $tables = '*') { try { $con = mysqli_connect($host, $user, $pass, $name); } catch (Exception $e) { print_r($e->getMessage()); } if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { $this->one_time_message('danger', "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error()); return 0; } $con->set_charset("utf8mb4"); if ($tables == '*') { $tables = array(); $result = mysqli_query($con, 'SHOW TABLES'); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_row($result)) { $tables[] = $row[0]; } } else { $tables = is_array($tables) ? $tables : explode(',', $tables); } $return = ''; foreach ($tables as $table) { $result = mysqli_query($con, 'SELECT * FROM ' . $table); $num_fields = mysqli_num_fields($result); $row2 = mysqli_fetch_row(mysqli_query($con, 'SHOW CREATE TABLE ' . $table)); $return .= "\n\n" . str_replace("CREATE TABLE", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS", $row2[1]) . ";\n\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < $num_fields; $i++) { while ($row = mysqli_fetch_row($result)) { $return .= 'INSERT INTO ' . $table . ' VALUES('; for ($j = 0; $j < $num_fields; $j++) { $row[$j] = addslashes($row[$j]); $row[$j] = preg_replace("/\n/", "\\n", $row[$j]); if (isset($row[$j])) { $return .= '"' . $row[$j] . '"'; } else { $return .= '""'; } if ($j < ($num_fields - 1)) { $return .= ','; } } $return .= ");\n"; } } $return .= "\n\n\n"; } $backup_name = date('Y-m-d-His') . '.sql'; $directoryPath = public_path("uploads/db-backups"); if (!file_exists($directoryPath)) { mkdir($directoryPath, config('paymoney.file_permission'), true); } $handle = fopen($directoryPath . '/' . $backup_name, 'w+'); fwrite($handle, $return); fclose($handle); return $backup_name; } // Check user status public function getUserStatus($userStatus) { if ($userStatus == 'Suspended') { return 'Suspended'; } elseif ($userStatus == 'Inactive') { return 'Inactive'; } } public function checkWalletBalanceAgainstAmount($totalWithFee, $currency_id, $user_id) { //Backend Validation - Wallet Balance Again Amount Check - Starts here $wallet = Wallet::where(['currency_id' => $currency_id, 'user_id' => $user_id])->first(['id', 'balance']); if (!empty($wallet)) { if (($totalWithFee > $wallet->balance) || ($wallet->balance < 0)) { return true; } } //Backend Validation - Wallet Balance Again Amount Check - Ends here } /** * [Get Current Date & Time - Carbon] * return [string] [Cardbon Date Time] */ public function getCurrentDateTime() { return dateFormat(now()); } public function clearSessionWithRedirect($sessionArr, $exception, $path) { Session::forget($sessionArr); clearActionSession(); $this->one_time_message('error', $exception->getMessage()); return redirect($path); } public function returnUnauthorizedResponse($unauthorisedStatus, $exception) { $success = []; $success['status'] = $unauthorisedStatus; $success['message'] = $exception->getMessage(); return response()->json(['success' => $success], $unauthorisedStatus); } public function validateEmailInput($value) { return filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL); } public function validatePhoneInput($value) { return preg_match('%^(?:(?:\(?(?:00|\+)([1-4]\d\d|[1-9]\d?)\)?)?[\-\.\ \\\/]?)?((?:\(?\d{1,}\)?[\-\.\ \\\/]?){0,})(?:[\-\.\ \\\/]?(?:#|ext\.?|extension|x)[\-\.\ \\\/]?(\d+))?$%i', $value); } public function getEmailPhoneValidatedUserInfo($emailFilterValidate, $phoneRegex, $emailOrPhone) { $selectOptions = ['id', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'email', 'carrierCode', 'phone', 'picture']; if ($emailFilterValidate) { $userInfo = User::where(['email' => $emailOrPhone])->first($selectOptions); } elseif ($phoneRegex) { $userInfo = User::where(['formattedPhone' => $emailOrPhone])->first($selectOptions); } return $userInfo; } /** * fetch Deposit Active Fees Limit * @param array $withOptions Data needs to be fetched with lazy loading * @param int $transactionType Transaction type id * @param int $currencyId Currency Id * @param int $paymentMethodId Payment method id * @param array $options * @return object|null */ public function getFeesLimitObject($withOptions = [], $transactionType, $currencyId, $paymentMethodId, $hasTransaction, $options) { return FeesLimit::with($withOptions) ->where('transaction_type_id', $transactionType) ->where('currency_id', $currencyId) ->when(!is_null($hasTransaction), function ($query) use ($hasTransaction) { return $query->where('has_transaction', $hasTransaction); }) ->when(!is_null($paymentMethodId), function ($query) use ($paymentMethodId) { return $query->where('payment_method_id', $paymentMethodId); }) ->first($options); } /** * Get Wallet Object * param array $withOptions [eagar loaded relations] * param array $constraints [where or other conditions] * param array $selectOptions [specific fields] * return object */ public function getUserWallet($withOptions = [], $constraints, $selectOptions) { return Wallet::with($withOptions)->where($constraints)->first($selectOptions); } /** * Get All Wallets * param array $withOptions [eagar loaded relations] * param array $constraints [where or other conditions] * param array $selectOptions [specific fields] * return collection */ public function getUserWallets($withOptions = [], $constraints, $selectOptions) { return Wallet::with($withOptions)->where($constraints)->get($selectOptions); } /** * Get Currency * @param array $constraints * @param array $selectOptions * @return Object */ public function getCurrencyObject($constraints, $selectOptions) { return Currency::where($constraints)->first($selectOptions); } /** * Get Payout Setting * @param array $constraints * @param array $selectOptions * @return Object */ public function getPayoutSettingObject($withOptions = [], $constraints, $selectOptions) { return PayoutSetting::with($withOptions)->where($constraints)->first($selectOptions); } /** * [It will print QR code for express, standard merchant, customer profile] * @param [type] $id [Can be merchant ID or User ID] * @param [type] $objectType [standard_merchant, express_merchant] * @return [type] [description] */ public function printQrCode($id, $objectType) { $data['qrCode'] = $qrCode = QrCode::where(['object_id' => $id, 'object_type' => $objectType, 'status' => 'Active'])->first(['qr_image']); if (empty($qrCode)) { $this->one_time_message('error', __('The :x does not exist.', ['x' => __('QR code')])); return redirect('merchants'); } $data['QrCodeSecret'] = urlencode($qrCode->secret); if ($objectType == 'standard_merchant' || $objectType == 'express_merchant') { generatePDF('user.merchant.qrCodePDF', 'merchant_qrcode_', $data); } else if ($objectType == "user") { generatePDF('user.profile.qrCodePDF', 'customer_qrcode_', $data); } } /** * Check if the Withdrwal amount does not exceeds the limit * * @param FeesLimit $currencyFee * @param double $amount * @throws AmountLimitException * @return bool * */ function amountIsInLimit(FeesLimit $currencyFee, $amount) { $minError = (float) $amount < $currencyFee->min_limit; $maxError = $currencyFee->max_limit && $amount > $currencyFee->max_limit; if ($minError && $maxError) { throw new AmountLimitException(__("Maximum acceptable amount is :x and minimum acceptable amount is :y", [ "x" => formatNumber($currencyFee->max_limit, optional($currencyFee->currency)->id), "y" => formatNumber($currencyFee->min_limit, optional($currencyFee->currency)->id), ])); } elseif ($maxError) { throw new AmountLimitException(__( "Maximum acceptable amount is :x", [ "x" => formatNumber($currencyFee->max_limit, optional($currencyFee->currency)->id) ] )); } elseif ($minError) { throw new AmountLimitException(__( "Minimum acceptable amount is :x", [ "x" => formatNumber($currencyFee->min_limit, optional($currencyFee->currency)->id) ] )); } } public function transactionFees($currencyId, $amount, $trasactionType, $paymentMethodId = null) { $fees = $this->getFeesLimitObject( ['currency:id,code,symbol,type'], $trasactionType, $currencyId, $paymentMethodId, 'Yes', ['charge_percentage', 'charge_fixed', 'currency_id', 'min_limit', 'max_limit'] ); if (is_null($fees)) { throw new FeesException(__("Fees limit not set for this currency")); } $fees->amount = $amount; $fees->fees_percentage = $amount * ($fees->charge_percentage / 100); $fees->total_fees = $fees->fees_percentage + $fees->charge_fixed; $fees->total_amount = $fees->total_fees + $amount; return $fees; } /** * Finds corresponding Wallet * * @param int $userId * @param int $currencyId * @param int $totalAmount * @return Wallet * @throws SendMoneyException */ public function getWallet($userId, $currencyId, $option = ['id','balance']) { $wallet = $this->getUserWallet([], ['user_id' => $userId, 'currency_id' => $currencyId], $option); if (is_null($wallet)) { throw new WalletException(__('The :x does not exist.', ['x' => __('wallet')])); } return $wallet; } public function checkAmount($userId, $currencyId, $amount, $transactionType) { $currencyFee = $this->transactionFees($currencyId, $amount, $transactionType); $this->amountIsInLimit($currencyFee, $amount); $this->checkWalletAmount($userId, $currencyId, $currencyFee->total_amount); return $currencyFee; } /** * Finds corresponding Wallet amounts or throws error * * @param int $userId * @param int $currencyId * @param int $totalAmount * * @throws Exception */ public function checkWalletAmount($userId, $currencyId, $totalAmount) { $wallet = $this->getWallet($userId, $currencyId); // Checks if wallet has enough balance if ($wallet->balance < $totalAmount) { throw new WalletException(__("Sorry, not have enough funds to operate.")); } } }