* @contributor Md. Abdur Rahaman <[abdur.techvill@gmail.com]> * @created 19-12-2022 */ namespace App\Http\Controllers\Api\V2; use App\Exceptions\Api\V2\WithdrawalSettingException; use App\Http\Requests\{ UpdateWithdrawalSettingRequest, StoreWithdrawalSettingRequest, }; use App\Services\WithdrawalSettingService; use Exception; use App\Http\Controllers\Controller; /** * @group Withdrawal setting * * API to manage Withdrawal setting */ class WithdrawalSettingController extends Controller { /** * Get payment setting list by user id * Get specific Withdrawal setting if id of the Withdrawal setting is provided * @return JsonResponse * @throws WithdrawalSettingException */ public function index(WithdrawalSettingService $service) { try { return $this->okResponse($service->list(auth()->id(), request('id'))); } catch (WithdrawalSettingException $e) { return $this->unprocessableResponse([], $e->getMessage()); } catch (Exception $e) { return $this->unprocessableResponse([], __("Failed to process the request.")); } } /** * Store Withdrawal setting * * @param StoreWithdrawalSettingRequest $request * @param WithdrawalSettingService $service * @return JsonResponse * @throws WithdrawalSettingException */ public function store(StoreWithdrawalSettingRequest $request, WithdrawalSettingService $service) { try { $response = $service->store($request->validatedFormRequest()); if ($response) { return $this->createdResponse([], __('The :x has been successfully saved.', ['x' => __('withdrawal setting')])); } } catch (WithdrawalSettingException $e) { return $this->unprocessableResponse([], $e->getMessage()); } catch (Exception $e) { return $this->unprocessableResponse([], __("Failed to process the request.")); } } /** * Update Withdrawal setting * * @param UpdateWithdrawalSettingRequest $request * @param int $id * @param WithdrawalSettingService $service * @return JsonResponse * @throws WithdrawalSettingException */ public function update(UpdateWithdrawalSettingRequest $request, $id, WithdrawalSettingService $service) { try { $response = $service->update($request->validatedFromRequest(), $id, auth()->id()); if ($response) { return $this->okResponse([], __('The :x has been successfully saved.', ['x' => __('Withdrawal setting')])); } } catch (WithdrawalSettingException $e) { return $this->unprocessableResponse([], $e->getMessage()); } catch (Exception $e) { return $this->unprocessableResponse([], __("Failed to process the request.")); } } /** * Show Withdrawal setting by id * * @param int $id * @param WithdrawalSettingService $service * @return JsonResponse * @throws WithdrawalSettingException */ public function show($id, WithdrawalSettingService $service) { try { return $this->successResponse($service->show($id, auth()->id())); } catch (WithdrawalSettingException $e) { return $this->unprocessableResponse([], $e->getMessage()); } catch (Exception $e) { return $this->unprocessableResponse([], __("Failed to process the request.")); } } /** * Delete Withdrawal setting by id * * @param int $id * @param WithdrawalSettingService $service * @return JsonResponse * @throws WithdrawalSettingException */ public function destroy($id, WithdrawalSettingService $service) { try { $response = $service->delete($id, auth()->user()->id); if ($response) { return $this->okResponse([], __('The :x has been successfully deleted.', ['x' => __('withdrawal setting')])); } } catch (WithdrawalSettingException $e) { return $this->unprocessableResponse([], $e->getMessage()); } catch (Exception $e) { return $this->unprocessableResponse([], __("Failed to process the request.")); } } /** * Get available payment methods * * @param WithdrawalSettingService $service * @return JsonResponse * @throws WithdrawalSettingException */ public function paymentMethods(WithdrawalSettingService $service) { try { return $this->successResponse($service->paymentMethods()); } catch (WithdrawalSettingException $e) { return $this->unprocessableResponse([], $e->getMessage()); } catch (Exception $e) { return $this->unprocessableResponse([], __("Failed to process the request.")); } } /** * List of crypto currencies * * @param WithdrawalSettingService $service * @return JsonResponse * @throws WithdrawalSettingException */ public function cryptoCurrencies(WithdrawalSettingService $service) { try { return $this->successResponse($service->cyptoCurrencies(auth()->id())); } catch (WithdrawalSettingException $e) { return $this->unprocessableResponse([], $e->getMessage()); } catch (Exception $e) { return $this->unprocessableResponse([], __("Failed to process the request.")); } } }