* @contributor Md Abdur Rahaman <[abdur.techvill@gmail.com]> * @created 05-12-2022 */ namespace App\Http\Controllers\Api\V2; use Illuminate\Http\Request; use App\Exceptions\Api\V2\{ UserProfileException, LoginException, WalletException }; use App\Http\Requests\{ CheckUserDuplicatePhoneNumberRequest, UpdatePasswordRequest, UploadUserProfilePictureRequest }; use App\Services\{ UserProfileService, WalletService }; use App\Models\{ Wallet, User }; use Exception, DB; use App\Http\Controllers\Controller; use App\Http\Resources\User\UserProfileResource; /** * @group User Profile * * API to manage user profile */ class ProfileController extends Controller { /** * Show User Profile summary * * @param UserProfileService $service * @return JsonResponse * @throws LoginException */ public function summary(UserProfileService $service) { try { $user = $service->getProfileSummary(auth()->id()); return $this->successResponse(new UserProfileResource($user)); } catch (LoginException $e) { return $this->unprocessableResponse([], $e->getMessage()); } catch (Exception $e) { return $this->unprocessableResponse([], __("Failed to process the request.")); } } /** * Show User Profile details * * @param UserProfileService $service * @return JsonResponse * @throws LoginException */ public function details(UserProfileService $service) { try { $userDetails = $service->getProfileDetails(auth()->id()); return $this->successResponse(new UserProfileResource($userDetails)); } catch (LoginException $e) { return $this->unprocessableResponse([], $e->getMessage()); } catch (Exception $e) { return $this->unprocessableResponse([], __("Failed to process the request.")); } } /** * Update User Profile informatpion * * @param Request $request * @param UserProfileService $service * @return JsonResponse * @throws Exception */ public function update(Request $request, UserProfileService $service) { try { DB::beginTransaction(); $userId = auth()->id(); $userInfo = $request->only('first_name', 'last_name'); $userDetailInfo = $request->only('country_id', 'address_1', 'address_2', 'city', 'state', 'timezone'); if (!empty($request->defaultCountry) && !empty($request->carrierCode)) { $userPhoneInfo = $request->only('phone', 'defaultCountry', 'carrierCode'); $service->phoneUpdate($userId, $userPhoneInfo); } $service->updateProfileInformation($userId, $userInfo, $userDetailInfo); $defaultWallet = $request->default_wallet; (new WalletService())->changeDefaultWallet($userId, $defaultWallet); DB::commit(); return $this->okResponse(); } catch (Exception $e) { DB::rollBack(); return $this->unprocessableResponse([], __($e->getMessage())); } } /** * Change User Profile Picture * * @param UploadUserProfilePictureRequest $request * @return JsonResponse * @throws Exception */ public function uploadImage(UploadUserProfilePictureRequest $request, UserProfileService $service) { try { if ($request->hasFile('image')) { $image = $request->file('image'); $response = $service->uploadImage(auth()->id(), $image); } if (true === $response['status']) { return $this->okResponse([], $response['message']); } return $this->unprocessableResponse([], $response['message']); } catch (UserProfileException $e) { return $this->unprocessableResponse([], $e->getMessage()); } catch (Exception $e) { return $this->unprocessableResponse([], __("Failed to process the request.")); } } /** * Change User Password * * @param UpdatePasswordRequest $request * @param UserProfileService $service * @return JsonResponse * @throws UserProfileException */ public function changePassword(UpdatePasswordRequest $request, UserProfileService $service) { try { $oldPassword = $request->old_password; $password = $request->password; $response = $service->changePassword(auth()->id(), $oldPassword, $password); return $this->okResponse([], $response['message']); } catch (UserProfileException $e) { return $this->unprocessableResponse([], $e->getMessage()); } catch (Exception $e) { return $this->unprocessableResponse([], __("Failed to process the request.")); } } /** * Get default Wallet balance * * @param WalletService $service * @throws WalletException * @return JsonResponse */ public function getDefaultWalletBalance(WalletService $service) { try { return $this->okResponse($service->defaultWalletBalance(auth()->id())); } catch (WalletException $e) { return $this->unprocessableResponse([], $e->getMessage()); } catch (Exception $e) { return $this->unprocessableResponse([], __("Failed to process the request.")); } } /** * Get user's all available wallet balances * * @return JsonResponse * @throws WalletException */ public function getUserAvailableWalletsBalance() { try { $wallet = new Wallet(); $wallets = $wallet->getAvailableBalance(auth()->id()); if (!$wallets) { throw new WalletException(__("No :X found.", ["X" => __("Wallet")])); } return $this->okResponse($wallets); } catch (WalletException $e) { return $this->unprocessableResponse([], $e->getMessage()); } catch (Exception $e) { return $this->unprocessableResponse([], __("Failed to process the request.")); } } /** * Check current user's status * * @param Request $request * @return JsonResponse */ public function checkUserStatus() { return $this->okResponse(['status' => User::where(['id' => auth()->id()])->value('status')]); } /** * Check Duplicate phone number when updating phone * * * @return JsonResponse */ public function checkDuplicatePhoneNumber(CheckUserDuplicatePhoneNumberRequest $request) { return $this->successResponse([ 'status' => true, 'success' => __("The phone number is Available!") ]); } }