blockIoAssetSetting = new CryptoAssetSetting(); $this->blockIoAssetApiLog = new CryptoAssetApiLog(); } /** * Initialize Block Io * @param string $network * @return object blockIo instance */ public function getBlockIoData($network) { //get crypto Currencies Settings by network $blockIoAssetSettings = $this->blockIoAssetSetting->getCryptoAssetSetting(['payment_method_id' => BlockIo, 'network' => $network], ['network_credentials']); $networkCredentials = json_decode($blockIoAssetSettings->network_credentials, true); //initialize BlockIo $apiKey = $networkCredentials['api_key']; $pin = $networkCredentials['pin']; $version = BLOCKIO_API_VERSION; $blockIo = new Client($apiKey, $pin, $version); return $blockIo; } public function getAccountInfo($apiKey, $pin) { $version = BLOCKIO_API_VERSION; $blockIo = new Client($apiKey, $pin, $version); return $blockIo->get_account_info()->data; } /** * Get Crypto Api Log Of Wallet * @param string $walletId * @param string $network * @param object $user * @return void */ public function getBlockIoAssetsApiLogOfWallet($walletId, $network, $user) { $getBlockIoAssetapiLog = $this->blockIoAssetApiLog->getCryptoAssetapiLog(['payment_method_id' => BlockIo, 'object_id' => $walletId, 'object_type' => 'wallet_address', 'network' => $network], ['id']); if (empty($getBlockIoAssetapiLog)) { //create new crypt api log if empty $blockIoAssetApiLog = new CryptoAssetApiLog(); $blockIoAssetApiLog->payment_method_id = BlockIo; $blockIoAssetApiLog->object_id = $walletId; $blockIoAssetApiLog->object_type = 'wallet_address'; $blockIoAssetApiLog->network = $network; $getNewAddressInfo = ""; //initialize BlockIo $blockIo = $this->getBlockIoData($network); try { // For Production // Call get_new_address BlockIo API $getNewAddressInfo = $blockIo->get_new_address(array('label' => $user->id . '_' . $user->email)); // For Development $getNewAddressInfoUserForDevelopment = $blockIo->get_balance(); // Add BlockIo API response to CryptoapiLog payload $blockIoAssetApiLog->payload = json_encode($getNewAddressInfo->data); // Save cryptoapiLog $blockIoAssetApiLog->save(); return [ 'status' => 200, ]; } catch (Exception $e) { return [ 'status' => 401, 'message' => $e->getMessage(), ]; } } } /** * Get User Crypt Address Balance * @param string $network * @param string $address * @return object available_balance */ public function getUserBlockIoAddressBalance($network, $address) { //Initialize BlockIo $blockIo = $this->getBlockIoData($network); //Call get address balance blockio API $getAddressBalance = $blockIo->get_address_balance(array('addresses' => $address)); //Check address available balance foreach ($getAddressBalance->data->balances as $balanceObject) { return $balanceObject->available_balance; } } /** * Get User's Crypto Address * @param string $walletId * @return object address */ public function getUserCryptoAddress($walletId) { //get user's wallet address $cryptoapiLog = $this->blockIoAssetApiLog->getBlockIoAssetapiLog(['payment_method_id' => BlockIo, 'object_id' => $walletId, 'object_type' => 'wallet_address'], ['payload']); $payload = json_decode($cryptoapiLog->payload, true); $address = $payload['address']; return $address; } /** * Get Minimum Network fee * @param string $network * @param string $receiverAddress * @param string $amount * @return object estimated min network fee */ public function getNetworkFeeEstimate($network, $receiverAddress, $amount, $priority = 'low') { //Initialize BlockIo $blockIo = $this->getBlockIoData($network); $networkFeeInfo = $blockIo->get_network_fee_estimate(array('amount' => $amount, 'to_address' => $receiverAddress, 'priority' => $priority, 'custom_network_fee' => '')); return $networkFeeInfo->data->estimated_network_fee; } /** * Get Network from crypto currency API * @param $apiKey * @param $pin * @return $network */ public function getBlockIoAccountBalance($apiKey, $pin) { $blockIo = new Client($apiKey, $pin, BLOCKIO_API_VERSION); $blockIoObj = $blockIo->get_balance(); return $blockIoObj->data; } public function getBlockIoMerchantBalance($apiKey, $pin, $address) { $blockIo = new Client($apiKey, $pin, BLOCKIO_API_VERSION); return $blockIo->get_address_balance(array('addresses' => $address))->data; } public function validateNetworkAddressBalance($walletCurrencyCode, $amount, $senderAddress, $receiverAddress, $priority = 'low') { $getUserCryptoAddressBalance = $this->getUserBlockIoAddressBalance($walletCurrencyCode, $senderAddress); $getNetworkFeeEstimate = $this->getNetworkFeeEstimate($walletCurrencyCode, $receiverAddress, $amount, $priority); if ($getUserCryptoAddressBalance < 0 || $amount > (double)$getUserCryptoAddressBalance) { return [ 'status' => false, 'reason' => 'insufficient-balance', 'network-fee' => $getNetworkFeeEstimate, ]; } if ($getUserCryptoAddressBalance < ($amount + $getNetworkFeeEstimate)) { return [ 'status' => false, 'reason' => 'network-fee', 'network-fee' => $getNetworkFeeEstimate, ]; } else { return [ 'status' => true, 'network-fee' => $getNetworkFeeEstimate, ]; } } /** * Check Network Address (both user & merchant) * @param $network * @param $address * @return true/false */ public function checkNetworkAddressValidity($network, $address) { $blockIo = $this->getBlockIoData($network); $checkMerchantNetworkAddress = $blockIo->is_valid_address(array('address' => $address)); if ($checkMerchantNetworkAddress->data->is_valid != true) { return false; } return true; } /** * Get Crypto Api log Payload Details & Confirmations for Crypto_Sent & Crypto_Received * @param $transaction_type_id * @param $payload * @param $confirmations * @return array */ public function getCryptoPayloadConfirmationsDetails($transaction_type_id, $payload, $confirmations) { $arr = []; if (!empty($payload)) { if ($transaction_type_id == Crypto_Sent || $transaction_type_id == Crypto_Received) { $payloadJson = json_decode($payload, true); if (isset($payloadJson['senderAddress'])) { $arr['senderAddress'] = $payloadJson['senderAddress']; } if (isset($payloadJson['receiverAddress'])) { $arr['receiverAddress'] = ($transaction_type_id == Crypto_Sent) ? $payloadJson['receiverAddress'] : $payloadJson['address']; } if (isset($payloadJson['network_fee'])) { $arr['network_fee'] = isset($payloadJson['network_fee']) ? $payloadJson['network_fee'] : 0.00000000; } $arr['txId'] = $payloadJson['txid']; $arr['confirmations'] = $confirmations; } } return $arr; } public function getBlockIoAssetSetting($network, $status, $selectOptions) { $blockIoAssetSetting = $this->blockIoAssetSetting->where('network', $network)->where(['payment_method_id' => BlockIo]); if ($status == 'Active') { return $blockIoAssetSetting->where(['status' => 'Active'])->first($selectOptions); } elseif ($status == 'Inactive') { return $blockIoAssetSetting->where(['status' => 'Inactive'])->first($selectOptions); } elseif ($status == 'All') { return $blockIoAssetSetting->first($selectOptions); } } /** * Get active crypto currencies settings networks * @return networks */ public function getActiveCryptoCurrenciesSettingsNetwork() { return $this->blockIoAssetSetting->getAllCryptoCurrencySettings(['payment_method_id' => BlockIo, 'status' => 'Active'], ['id', 'network']); } /** * Check whether user has any crypto wallet address * @param $userWallets * @return crypto api log object */ public function getUserWalletBlockIoAssetApiLogs($userWallets) { $walletArr = []; foreach ($userWallets as $wallet) { $walletArr[] = $wallet->id; } return $this->blockIoAssetApiLog->where(['payment_method_id' => BlockIo, 'object_type' => 'wallet_address'])->whereIn('object_id', $walletArr); } /** * Get user wallet address user id * @param $receiverAddress * @return user id */ public function getReceiverAddressWalletUserId($receiverAddress) { return $this->blockIoAssetApiLog->with(['wallet:id,user_id'])->where(['payment_method_id' => BlockIo, 'object_type' => 'wallet_address'])->whereRaw('payload REGEXP ?', ['[[:<:]]' . $receiverAddress . '[[:>:]]'])->first(['object_id']); } /** * Get User Wallet Address * @param $user_id * @param $network * @return user address */ public function getUserNetworkWalletAddress($user_id, $network) { try { $user = \App\Models\User::find($user_id, ['id']); $getUserBlockIoAssetApiLog = $this->getUserWalletBlockIoAssetApiLogs($user->wallets)->where(['network' => $network])->first(['payload']); if (!empty($getUserBlockIoAssetApiLog)) { $payload = json_decode($getUserBlockIoAssetApiLog->payload, true); $userAddress = $payload['address']; return response()->json([ 'status' => 200, 'userAddress' => $userAddress, ]); } else { return response()->json([ 'status' => 400, 'message' => __('User :x address not found.', ['x' => $network]), ]); } } catch (Exception $e) { return response()->json([ 'status' => 400, 'message' => $e->getMessage(), ]); } } /** * Get Merchant Network Address * @param $network * @return merchant address */ public function getMerchantNetworkAddress($network) { $cryptoCurrenciesSetting = $this->getBlockIoAssetSetting($network, 'Active', ['network_credentials']); if (!empty($cryptoCurrenciesSetting)) { $payload = json_decode($cryptoCurrenciesSetting->network_credentials, true); $merchantAddress = $payload['address']; return $merchantAddress; } } /** * Get crypto currency status * @param $walletCurrencyCode * @return status */ public function getCryptoCurrencyStatus($walletCurrencyCode) { $currency = (new \App\Models\Currency())->where(function ($q) use ($walletCurrencyCode) { $q->where(['code' => $walletCurrencyCode]); }) ->where(['type' => 'crypto_asset']) ->first(['status']); return $currency->status; } /** * Check Merchant Network Address Validity * @param $network * @param $address * @return true/false */ public function checkMerchantNetworkAddressValidity($apiKey, $pin, $address) { $blockIo = new Client($apiKey, $pin, BLOCKIO_API_VERSION); $checkMerchantNetworkAddress = $blockIo->is_valid_address(array('address' => $address)); if ($checkMerchantNetworkAddress->data->is_valid != true) { return [ 'status' => false, ]; } return [ 'status' => true, 'network' => $checkMerchantNetworkAddress->data->network, ]; } /** * Get active crypto currencies * @return array */ public function getActiveCryptoCurrencies() { return (new Common())->key_value('id', 'code', \App\Models\Currency::where(['type' => 'crypto_asset', 'status' => 'Active'])->get(['id', 'code'])->toArray()); } /** * Get allowed crypto currencies setting * @return object */ public function getAllowedCryptoCurrenciesSetting() { return Setting::where(['name' => 'default_crypto_currencies', 'type' => 'general'])->first(['value']); } /** * Get crypto send and crypto received api logs of provided user wallet address * @param $userWallets * @return crypto api log object */ public function deleteWalletAddressCryptoSentCryptoReceivedApiLogs($userWallets) { $walletArr = []; foreach ($userWallets as $wallet) { $walletArr[] = $wallet->id; } $getUserWalletAddressCryptoApiLogs = $this->blockIoAssetApiLog->where(['payment_method_id' => 9, 'object_type' => 'wallet_address'])->whereIn('object_id', $walletArr)->get(['id','payload']); if ($getUserWalletAddressCryptoApiLogs->isNotEmpty()) { foreach ($getUserWalletAddressCryptoApiLogs as $cryptoapiLog) { $payload = json_decode($cryptoapiLog->payload, true); $address = $payload['address']; $getWalletAddressCryptoSentReceivedApiLogs = $this->blockIoAssetApiLog->where(['payment_method_id' => 9])->whereRaw('payload REGEXP ?', ['[[:<:]]' . $address . '[[:>:]]'])->get(['id']); if ($getWalletAddressCryptoSentReceivedApiLogs->isNotEmpty()) { foreach ($getWalletAddressCryptoSentReceivedApiLogs as $getWalletAddressCryptoSentReceivedApiLog) { $getWalletAddressCryptoSentReceivedApiLog->delete(); } } } } } //Send & Receive - starts /** * Withdraw/Send from/to a crypto address * @param string $network * @param string $receiverAddress * @param string $amount * @return object withdraw Api response */ public function withdrawOrSendAmountToReceiverAddress($network, $senderAddress, $receiverAddress, $amount, $nonce, $priority = 'low') { // Initialize BlockIo $blockIo = $this->getBlockIoData($network); // Transaction operation $prepareTransaction = $blockIo->prepare_transaction(array('amounts' => $amount, 'from_addresses' => $senderAddress, 'to_addresses' => $receiverAddress, 'nonce' => $nonce, 'priority' => $priority)); $summarizePreparedTransaction = $blockIo->summarize_prepared_transaction($prepareTransaction); $createSignedTransaction = $blockIo->create_and_sign_transaction($prepareTransaction); $submitTransaction = $blockIo->submit_transaction(array('transaction_data' => $createSignedTransaction)); // Arrange data $summarizePreparedTransaction['txid'] = $submitTransaction->data->txid; $withdrawInfoData['data'] = $summarizePreparedTransaction; $endcodedWithdrawInfoData = json_encode($withdrawInfoData); $withdrawInfo = json_decode($endcodedWithdrawInfoData); return $withdrawInfo; } public function createCryptoTransaction($arr) { $transaction = new \App\Models\Transaction(); $transaction->user_id = $arr['userId']; $transaction->end_user_id = $arr['endUserId']; $transaction->currency_id = $arr['currencyId']; $transaction->payment_method_id = BlockIo; $transaction->uuid = $arr['uniqueCode']; $transaction->transaction_type_id = Crypto_Sent; $transaction->subtotal = $arr['amount']; $transaction->total = "-" . ($arr['amount']); $transaction->status = 'Pending'; $transaction->save(); return $transaction->id; } public function createWithdrawalOrSendCryptoApiLog($arr) { $cryptoapiLog = new CryptoAssetApiLog(); $cryptoapiLog->payment_method_id = BlockIo; $cryptoapiLog->object_id = $arr['transactionId']; $cryptoapiLog->object_type = 'crypto_sent'; $cryptoapiLog->network = $arr['walletCurrencyCode']; $cryptoapiLog->payload = json_encode($arr['withdrawInfoData']); //add BlockIo API withdrawal/Send response to CryptoapiLog payload $cryptoapiLog->save(); } public function getUpdatedSendWalletBalance($arr) { // updating of merchant network address balance will NOT be done in the system // update user network address balance $getUserCryptoAddressBalance = self::getUserBlockIoAddressBalance($arr['walletCurrencyCode'], $arr['senderAddress']); $senderWallet = (new Common())->getUserWallet([], ['user_id' => $arr['userId'], 'currency_id' => $arr['currencyId']], ['id', 'balance']); $senderWallet->balance = $getUserCryptoAddressBalance; $senderWallet->save(); } public function getEachTransactionNetworkFee($txId, $network) { $blockIo = $this->getBlockIoData($network); $networkFee = $blockIo->get_raw_transaction(array('txid' => $txId)); return $networkFee->data->network_fee; } public function createNotification($network) { $blockIo = $this->getBlockIoData($network); $notificaions = $blockIo->list_notifications(); if (empty($notificaions->data->notifications)) { return $blockIo->create_notification(array('type' => 'account', 'url' => (\URL::to('/') . '/receive/blockio-balance-change-notification') )); } else { $oldNotifications = $notificaions->data->notifications; foreach($oldNotifications as $oldNotification) { $blockIo->delete_notification(array('notification_id' => $oldNotification->notification_id)); } return $blockIo->create_notification(array('type' => 'account', 'url' => (\URL::to('/') . '/receive/blockio-balance-change-notification') )); } } public function getNotificationList($network) { $blockIo = $this->getBlockIoData($network); return $blockIo->list_notifications(); } public function getNotificationStatus($network) { $blockIo = $this->getBlockIoData($network); $notification = $blockIo->list_notifications(); if (empty($notification->data->notifications)) { return [ 'status' => false, ]; } return [ 'status' => $notification->data->notifications[0]->enabled, 'notificationId' => $notification->data->notifications[0]->notification_id, ]; } public function enableNotificationStatus($network, $notificationId) { $blockIo = $this->getBlockIoData($network); return $blockIo->enable_notification(array('notification_id' => $notificationId)); } public function deleteNotification($network) { $blockIo = $this->getBlockIoData($network); $notificaionList = $blockIo->list_notifications(); $notifications = $notificaionList->data->notifications; foreach($notifications as $notification) { $blockIo->delete_notification(array('notification_id' => $notification->notification_id)); } } public function checkAddressValidity($network, $address) { $blockIo = $this->getBlockIoData($network); try { $isValidAddress = $blockIo->is_valid_address(array('address' => $address)); if ($isValidAddress->status == 'success') { if ($isValidAddress->data->is_valid == true) { $response = [ 'status' => 200, 'message' => __('This is a valid :x address', ['x' => $network]) ]; } else { $response = [ 'status' => 401, 'message' => __('This is not a valid :x address', ['x' => $network]) ]; } return response()->json($response); } else if ($isValidAddress->status == 'fail' && isset($isValidAddress->data->error_message)) { return response()->json([ 'status' => 401, 'message' => $isValidAddress->data->error_message ]); } } catch (Exception $e) { return response()->json([ 'status' => 401, 'message' => $e->getMessage() ]); } } public function getCurrentPricesList($network) { $blockIo = $this->getBlockIoData(decrypt($network)); return $blockIo->get_current_price(); } /** * Functions start that both need for Web and mobile app */ // Address validity check during Crypto Send public function addressValidityCheck($walletCurrencyCode, $receiverAddress, $userId) { try { $checkUserNetworkAddress = $this->checkNetworkAddressValidity($walletCurrencyCode, $receiverAddress); if (!$checkUserNetworkAddress) { return response()->json([ 'status' => 401, 'message' => __('Invalid recipient :x address', ['x' => $walletCurrencyCode]) ]); } //Backend validation of own network address with receiver network address - starts $getUserNetworkWallet = $this->getUserNetworkWalletAddress($userId, $walletCurrencyCode); if ($receiverAddress == $getUserNetworkWallet->getData()->userAddress) { return response()->json([ 'status' => 401, 'message' => __('Cannot send :x to own address', ['x' => $walletCurrencyCode]), ]); } //Backend validation of own network address with receiver network address - ends return response()->json([ 'status' => 200, 'isValid' => true, ]); } catch (Exception $e) { return response()->json([ 'status' => 400, 'message' => $e->getMessage(), ]); } } // Validate user balance against amount public function userBalanceCheck($walletCurrencyCode, $amount, $senderAddress, $receiverAddress, $priority) { $currencyId = \App\Models\Currency::whereCode($walletCurrencyCode)->Value('id'); try { $validateNetworkAddressBalance = $this->validateNetworkAddressBalance($walletCurrencyCode, $amount, $senderAddress, $receiverAddress, $priority); if (!$validateNetworkAddressBalance['status']) { return response()->json([ 'status' => 401, 'message' => __("Network fee :x and amount :y exceeds your :z balance.", ['x' => $validateNetworkAddressBalance['network-fee'], 'y' => formatNumber($amount, $currencyId), 'z' => $walletCurrencyCode]), ]); } else { return response()->json([ 'status' => 200, ]); } } catch (Exception $e) { return response()->json([ 'status' => 401, 'message' => $e->getMessage(), ]); } } public function minimumAmountCheck($walletCurrencyCode, $amount) { $response = ['status' => 200]; // Minimum Amounts You can prepare transactions for sending at least 0.02 DOGE, 0.00002 BTC, or 0.0002 LTC. (BlockIo) switch ($walletCurrencyCode) { case 'DOGE': case 'DOGETEST': if ($amount < 2) { $response = [ 'status' => 401, 'message' => __('The minimum amount must be :x :y.', ['x' => 2, 'y' => $walletCurrencyCode]), ]; } break; case 'LTC': case 'LTCTEST': if ($amount < 0.0002) { $response = [ 'status' => 401, 'message' => __('The minimum amount must be :x :y.', ['x' => 0.0002, 'y' => $walletCurrencyCode]) ]; } break; case 'BTC': case 'BTCTEST': if ($amount < 0.00002) { $response = [ 'status' => 401, 'message' => __('The minimum amount must be :x :y.', ['x' => 0.00002, 'y' => $walletCurrencyCode]) ]; } break; default: break; } return response()->json($response); } public function cryptoTrxData($walletCurrencyCode, $receiverAddress, $amount, $priority, $senderAddress, $userId, $currency) { $getNetworkFeeEstimate = $this->getNetworkFeeEstimate($walletCurrencyCode, $receiverAddress, $amount, $priority); $arr = [ 'receiverAddress' => $receiverAddress, 'amount' => $amount, 'networkFee' => $getNetworkFeeEstimate, 'senderAddress' => $senderAddress, 'userId' => $userId, 'currencyId' => $currency->id, 'currencySymbol' => $currency->symbol, 'uniqueCode' => unique_code(), 'priority' => $priority ]; //Get wallet id of receiver address from crypto api log $getReceiverAddressCryptoApiLog = $this->getReceiverAddressWalletUserId($receiverAddress); if (!empty($getReceiverAddressCryptoApiLog)) { $arr['endUserId'] = $getReceiverAddressCryptoApiLog->wallet->user_id; } else { $arr['endUserId'] = null; } return $arr; } public function extensionCheck() { $extensions = ['GMP', 'cURL', 'mbstring', 'bcmath']; foreach ($extensions as $extension) { if (!extension_loaded(strtolower($extension))) { return response()->json([ 'status' => 401, 'message' => __(':x extension is needed to be installed for crypto send process.', ['x' => $extension]) ]); } } } public function cryptoSendProcess($walletCurrencyCode, $cryptoTrx) { try { $notifications = $this->getNotificationList($walletCurrencyCode); $notification = NULL; // If no notification created or available if ($notifications->status == 'success' && empty($notifications->data->notifications)) { $notification = $this->createNotification($walletCurrencyCode); } else if ($notifications->status == 'success' && isset($notifications->data->notifications[0]->notification_id) && $notifications->data->notifications[0]->enabled == false) { $notification = $this->enableNotificationStatus($walletCurrencyCode, $notifications->data->notifications[0]->notification_id); } if (isset($notification) && $notification->status == 'success' && isset($notification->data->notification_id) && $notification->data->enabled) { return $this->processCrypto($walletCurrencyCode, $cryptoTrx); } else if (isset($notifications) && $notifications->status == 'success' && isset($notifications->data->notifications[0]->notification_id) && $notifications->data->notifications[0]->enabled) { return $this->processCrypto($walletCurrencyCode, $cryptoTrx); } else { return response()->json([ 'status' => 401, 'message' => __('Block.io subscribed package is Expired, please contact with the administrator.') ]); } } catch (Exception $e) { return response()->json([ 'status' => 401, 'message' => $e->getMessage() ]); } } private function processCrypto($walletCurrencyCode, $cryptoTrx) { try { $processData = $this->withdrawOrSendAmountToReceiverAddress($walletCurrencyCode, $cryptoTrx['senderAddress'], $cryptoTrx['receiverAddress'], $cryptoTrx['amount'], $cryptoTrx['uniqueCode'], $cryptoTrx['priority']); $response = [ 'status' => 200, 'data' => $processData ]; } catch (Exception $e) { $response = [ 'status' => 401, 'message' => $e->getMessage() ]; } return response()->json($response); } }