/* Language: Mercury Author: mucaho
Description: Mercury is a logic/functional programming language which combines the clarity and expressiveness of declarative programming with advanced static analysis and error detection features. Website: https://www.mercurylang.org */ export default function(hljs) { var KEYWORDS = { keyword: 'module use_module import_module include_module end_module initialise ' + 'mutable initialize finalize finalise interface implementation pred ' + 'mode func type inst solver any_pred any_func is semidet det nondet ' + 'multi erroneous failure cc_nondet cc_multi typeclass instance where ' + 'pragma promise external trace atomic or_else require_complete_switch ' + 'require_det require_semidet require_multi require_nondet ' + 'require_cc_multi require_cc_nondet require_erroneous require_failure', meta: // pragma 'inline no_inline type_spec source_file fact_table obsolete memo ' + 'loop_check minimal_model terminates does_not_terminate ' + 'check_termination promise_equivalent_clauses ' + // preprocessor 'foreign_proc foreign_decl foreign_code foreign_type ' + 'foreign_import_module foreign_export_enum foreign_export ' + 'foreign_enum may_call_mercury will_not_call_mercury thread_safe ' + 'not_thread_safe maybe_thread_safe promise_pure promise_semipure ' + 'tabled_for_io local untrailed trailed attach_to_io_state ' + 'can_pass_as_mercury_type stable will_not_throw_exception ' + 'may_modify_trail will_not_modify_trail may_duplicate ' + 'may_not_duplicate affects_liveness does_not_affect_liveness ' + 'doesnt_affect_liveness no_sharing unknown_sharing sharing', built_in: 'some all not if then else true fail false try catch catch_any ' + 'semidet_true semidet_false semidet_fail impure_true impure semipure' }; var COMMENT = hljs.COMMENT('%', '$'); var NUMCODE = { className: 'number', begin: "0'.\\|0[box][0-9a-fA-F]*" }; var ATOM = hljs.inherit(hljs.APOS_STRING_MODE, {relevance: 0}); var STRING = hljs.inherit(hljs.QUOTE_STRING_MODE, {relevance: 0}); var STRING_FMT = { className: 'subst', begin: '\\\\[abfnrtv]\\|\\\\x[0-9a-fA-F]*\\\\\\|%[-+# *.0-9]*[dioxXucsfeEgGp]', relevance: 0 }; STRING.contains = STRING.contains.slice() // we need our own copy of contains STRING.contains.push(STRING_FMT); var IMPLICATION = { className: 'built_in', variants: [ {begin: '<=>'}, {begin: '<=', relevance: 0}, {begin: '=>', relevance: 0}, {begin: '/\\\\'}, {begin: '\\\\/'} ] }; var HEAD_BODY_CONJUNCTION = { className: 'built_in', variants: [ {begin: ':-\\|-->'}, {begin: '=', relevance: 0} ] }; return { name: 'Mercury', aliases: ['m', 'moo'], keywords: KEYWORDS, contains: [ IMPLICATION, HEAD_BODY_CONJUNCTION, COMMENT, hljs.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE, NUMCODE, hljs.NUMBER_MODE, ATOM, STRING, {begin: /:-/}, // relevance booster {begin: /\.$/} // relevance booster ] }; }