/* Language: Markdown Requires: xml.js Author: John Crepezzi
Website: https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/ Category: common, markup */ export default function(hljs) { const INLINE_HTML = { begin: '<', end: '>', subLanguage: 'xml', relevance: 0 }; const HORIZONTAL_RULE = { begin: '^[-\\*]{3,}', end: '$' }; const CODE = { className: 'code', variants: [ // TODO: fix to allow these to work with sublanguage also { begin: '(`{3,})(.|\\n)*?\\1`*[ ]*', }, { begin: '(~{3,})(.|\\n)*?\\1~*[ ]*', }, // needed to allow markdown as a sublanguage to work { begin: '```', end: '```+[ ]*$' }, { begin: '~~~', end: '~~~+[ ]*$' }, { begin: '`.+?`' }, { begin: '(?=^( {4}|\\t))', // use contains to gobble up multiple lines to allow the block to be whatever size // but only have a single open/close tag vs one per line contains: [ { begin: '^( {4}|\\t)', end: '(\\n)$' } ], relevance: 0 } ] }; const LIST = { className: 'bullet', begin: '^[ \t]*([*+-]|(\\d+\\.))(?=\\s+)', end: '\\s+', excludeEnd: true }; const LINK_REFERENCE = { begin: /^\[[^\n]+\]:/, returnBegin: true, contains: [ { className: 'symbol', begin: /\[/, end: /\]/, excludeBegin: true, excludeEnd: true }, { className: 'link', begin: /:\s*/, end: /$/, excludeBegin: true } ] }; const LINK = { begin: '\\[.+?\\][\\(\\[].*?[\\)\\]]', returnBegin: true, contains: [ { className: 'string', begin: '\\[', end: '\\]', excludeBegin: true, returnEnd: true, relevance: 0 }, { className: 'link', begin: '\\]\\(', end: '\\)', excludeBegin: true, excludeEnd: true }, { className: 'symbol', begin: '\\]\\[', end: '\\]', excludeBegin: true, excludeEnd: true } ], relevance: 10 }; const BOLD = { className: 'strong', contains: [], variants: [ {begin: /_{2}/, end: /_{2}/ }, {begin: /\*{2}/, end: /\*{2}/ } ] }; const ITALIC = { className: 'emphasis', contains: [], variants: [ { begin: /\*(?!\*)/, end: /\*/ }, { begin: /_(?!_)/, end: /_/, relevance: 0}, ] }; BOLD.contains.push(ITALIC); ITALIC.contains.push(BOLD); var CONTAINABLE = [ INLINE_HTML, LINK ]; BOLD.contains = BOLD.contains.concat(CONTAINABLE); ITALIC.contains = ITALIC.contains.concat(CONTAINABLE); CONTAINABLE = CONTAINABLE.concat(BOLD,ITALIC); const HEADER = { className: 'section', variants: [ { begin: '^#{1,6}', end: '$', contains: CONTAINABLE }, { begin: '(?=^.+?\\n[=-]{2,}$)', contains: [ { begin: '^[=-]*$' }, { begin: '^', end: "\\n", contains: CONTAINABLE }, ] } ] }; const BLOCKQUOTE = { className: 'quote', begin: '^>\\s+', contains: CONTAINABLE, end: '$', }; return { name: 'Markdown', aliases: ['md', 'mkdown', 'mkd'], contains: [ HEADER, INLINE_HTML, LIST, BOLD, ITALIC, BLOCKQUOTE, CODE, HORIZONTAL_RULE, LINK, LINK_REFERENCE ] }; }