/* Language: HTTP Description: HTTP request and response headers with automatic body highlighting Author: Ivan Sagalaev
Category: common, protocols Website: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Overview */ export default function(hljs) { var VERSION = 'HTTP/[0-9\\.]+'; return { name: 'HTTP', aliases: ['https'], illegal: '\\S', contains: [ { begin: '^' + VERSION, end: '$', contains: [{className: 'number', begin: '\\b\\d{3}\\b'}] }, { begin: '^[A-Z]+ (.*?) ' + VERSION + '$', returnBegin: true, end: '$', contains: [ { className: 'string', begin: ' ', end: ' ', excludeBegin: true, excludeEnd: true }, { begin: VERSION }, { className: 'keyword', begin: '[A-Z]+' } ] }, { className: 'attribute', begin: '^\\w', end: ': ', excludeEnd: true, illegal: '\\n|\\s|=', starts: {end: '$', relevance: 0} }, { begin: '\\n\\n', starts: {subLanguage: [], endsWithParent: true} } ] }; }