/* Language: HTMLBars Requires: xml.js, handlebars.js Author: Michael Johnston
Description: Matcher for HTMLBars Website: https://github.com/tildeio/htmlbars Category: template */ export default function(hljs) { // This work isn't complete yet but this is done so that this technically // breaking change becomes a part of the 10.0 release and won't force // us to prematurely release 11.0 just to break this. var SHOULD_INHERIT_FROM_HANDLEBARS = hljs.requireLanguage('handlebars'); // https://github.com/highlightjs/highlight.js/issues/2181 var BUILT_INS = 'action collection component concat debugger each each-in else get hash if input link-to loc log mut outlet partial query-params render textarea unbound unless with yield view'; var ATTR_ASSIGNMENT = { illegal: /\}\}/, begin: /[a-zA-Z0-9_]+=/, returnBegin: true, relevance: 0, contains: [ { className: 'attr', begin: /[a-zA-Z0-9_]+/ } ] }; var SUB_EXPR = { illegal: /\}\}/, begin: /\)/, end: /\)/, contains: [ { begin: /[a-zA-Z\.\-]+/, keywords: {built_in: BUILT_INS}, starts: { endsWithParent: true, relevance: 0, contains: [ hljs.QUOTE_STRING_MODE, ] } } ] }; var TAG_INNARDS = { endsWithParent: true, relevance: 0, keywords: {keyword: 'as', built_in: BUILT_INS}, contains: [ hljs.QUOTE_STRING_MODE, ATTR_ASSIGNMENT, hljs.NUMBER_MODE ] }; return { name: 'HTMLBars', case_insensitive: true, subLanguage: 'xml', contains: [ hljs.COMMENT('{{!(--)?', '(--)?}}'), { className: 'template-tag', begin: /\{\{[#\/]/, end: /\}\}/, contains: [ { className: 'name', begin: /[a-zA-Z\.\-]+/, keywords: {'builtin-name': BUILT_INS}, starts: TAG_INNARDS } ] }, { className: 'template-variable', begin: /\{\{[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z\-]+/, end: /\}\}/, keywords: {keyword: 'as', built_in: BUILT_INS}, contains: [ hljs.QUOTE_STRING_MODE ] } ] }; }