(function (jQuery) { $.opt = {}; // jQuery Object jQuery.fn.invoice = function (options) { var ops = jQuery.extend({}, jQuery.fn.invoice.defaults, options); $.opt = ops; var inv = new Invoice(); inv.init(); jQuery('body').on('click', function (e) { var cur = e.target.id || e.target.className; if (cur == $.opt.addRow.substring(1)) inv.newRow(); if (cur == $.opt.delete.substring(1)) inv.deleteRow(e.target); inv.init(); }); jQuery('body').on('keyup', function (e) { inv.init(); }); return this; }; }(jQuery)); function Invoice() { self = this; } Invoice.prototype = { constructor: Invoice, init: function () { this.calcTax(); this.calcTotal(); this.calcTotalQty(); this.calcSubtotal(); this.calcGrandTotal(); }, /** * Calculate total price of an item. * * @returns {number} */ calcTotal: function () { jQuery($.opt.parentClass).each(function (i) { var row = jQuery(this); var total = row.find($.opt.price).val() * row.find($.opt.qty).val(); total = self.roundNumber(total, 2); row.find($.opt.total).html(total); row.find($.opt.total).val(total); }); return 1; }, /*** * Calculate total quantity of an order. * * @returns {number} */ calcTotalQty: function () { var totalQty = 0; jQuery($.opt.qty).each(function (i) { var qty = jQuery(this).val(); if (!isNaN(qty)) totalQty += Number(qty); }); totalQty = self.roundNumber(totalQty, 2); jQuery($.opt.totalQty).html(totalQty); return 1; }, /*** * Calculate subtotal of an order. * * @returns {number} */ calcSubtotal: function () { var subtotal = 0; jQuery($.opt.total).each(function (i) { var total = jQuery(this).html(); if (!isNaN(total)) subtotal += Number(total); }); var browser = jQuery('#browser').val(); if (browser == 'Firefox') { subtotal = subtotal/2; } subtotal = self.roundNumber(subtotal, 2); jQuery($.opt.subtotal).html(subtotal); jQuery('.subtotal').val(subtotal); return 1; }, /*** * Calculate tax. * * @returns {number} */ calcTax: function () { var tdd = jQuery('.total_tax').val(); if (tdd == 0.00) { var totaltax = 0; jQuery($.opt.tax).each(function (i) { var tax = jQuery(this).val(); if (!isNaN(tax)) totaltax += Number(tax); }); totaltax = self.roundNumber(totaltax, 2); jQuery('.total_tax').val(totaltax); return 1; }else{ var totaltax = 0; jQuery($.opt.tax).each(function (i) { var tax = jQuery(this).val(); if (!isNaN(tax)) totaltax += Number(tax); }); totaltax = self.roundNumber(totaltax, 2); jQuery('.total_tax').val(totaltax); return 1; } }, /** * Calculate grand total of an order. * * @returns {number} */ calcGrandTotal: function () { var total_discount = Number(jQuery($.opt.discount).val()); var tax = jQuery($.opt.total_tax).val(); var grandTotal = Number(jQuery($.opt.subtotal).html()) - (Number(jQuery($.opt.subtotal).html()) * (Number(total_discount)/100)); var finalTotal = grandTotal + (grandTotal * (Number(tax)/100)); grandTotal = self.roundNumber(finalTotal, 2); jQuery($.opt.grandTotal).html(grandTotal); jQuery('.grandtotal').val(grandTotal); return 1; }, /** * Add a row. * * @returns {number} */ newRow: function () { jQuery(".item-row:last").after(`
`); if (jQuery($.opt.delete).length > 0) { jQuery($.opt.delete).show(); } return 1; }, /** * Delete a row. * * @param elem current element * @returns {number} */ deleteRow: function (elem) { jQuery(elem).parents($.opt.parentClass).remove(); if (jQuery($.opt.delete).length < 2) { jQuery($.opt.delete).hide(); } return 1; }, /** * Round a number. * Using: http://www.mediacollege.com/internet/javascript/number/round.html * * @param number * @param decimals * @returns {*} */ roundNumber: function (number, decimals) { var newString;// The new rounded number decimals = Number(decimals); if (decimals < 1) { newString = (Math.round(number)).toString(); } else { var numString = number.toString(); if (numString.lastIndexOf(".") == -1) {// If there is no decimal point numString += ".";// give it one at the end } var cutoff = numString.lastIndexOf(".") + decimals;// The point at which to truncate the number var d1 = Number(numString.substring(cutoff, cutoff + 1));// The value of the last decimal place that we'll end up with var d2 = Number(numString.substring(cutoff + 1, cutoff + 2));// The next decimal, after the last one we want if (d2 >= 5) {// Do we need to round up at all? If not, the string will just be truncated if (d1 == 9 && cutoff > 0) {// If the last digit is 9, find a new cutoff point while (cutoff > 0 && (d1 == 9 || isNaN(d1))) { if (d1 != ".") { cutoff -= 1; d1 = Number(numString.substring(cutoff, cutoff + 1)); } else { cutoff -= 1; } } } d1 += 1; } if (d1 == 10) { numString = numString.substring(0, numString.lastIndexOf(".")); var roundedNum = Number(numString) + 1; newString = roundedNum.toString() + '.'; } else { newString = numString.substring(0, cutoff) + d1.toString(); } } if (newString.lastIndexOf(".") == -1) {// Do this again, to the new string newString += "."; } var decs = (newString.substring(newString.lastIndexOf(".") + 1)).length; for (var i = 0; i < decimals - decs; i++) newString += "0"; //var newNumber = Number(newString);// make it a number if you like return newString; // Output the result to the form field (change for your purposes) } }; /** * Publicly accessible defaults. */ jQuery.fn.invoice.defaults = { addRow: "#addRow", delete: ".delete", parentClass: ".item-row", price: ".price", qty: ".qty", total: ".total", totalQty: "#totalQty", subtotal: "#subtotal", discount: "#discount", tax: ".tax", total_tax: ".total_tax", taxId: "#tax_id", shipping: "#shipping", grandTotal: "#grandTotal" };