const TRANSITION_EVENTS = ['transitionend', 'webkitTransitionEnd', 'oTransitionEnd'] // const TRANSITION_PROPERTIES = ['transition', 'MozTransition', 'webkitTransition', 'WebkitTransition', 'OTransition'] class Menu { constructor(el, config = {}, _PS = null) { this._el = el this._animate = config.animate !== false this._accordion = config.accordion !== false this._closeChildren = Boolean(config.closeChildren) this._onOpen = config.onOpen || (() => {}) this._onOpened = config.onOpened || (() => {}) this._onClose = config.onClose || (() => {}) this._onClosed = config.onClosed || (() => {}) this._psScroll = null this._topParent = null this._menuBgClass = null el.classList.add('menu') el.classList[this._animate ? 'remove' : 'add']('menu-no-animation') // check el.classList.add('menu-vertical') const PerfectScrollbarLib = _PS || window.PerfectScrollbar if (PerfectScrollbarLib) { this._scrollbar = new PerfectScrollbarLib(el.querySelector('.menu-inner'), { suppressScrollX: true, wheelPropagation: !Menu._hasClass('layout-menu-fixed layout-menu-fixed-offcanvas') }) window.Helpers.menuPsScroll = this._scrollbar } else { el.querySelector('.menu-inner').classList.add('overflow-auto') } // Add data attribute for bg color class of menu const menuClassList = el.classList for (let i = 0; i < menuClassList.length; i++) { if (menuClassList[i].startsWith('bg-')) { this._menuBgClass = menuClassList[i] } } el.setAttribute('data-bg-class', this._menuBgClass) this._bindEvents() // Link menu instance to element el.menuInstance = this } _bindEvents() { // Click Event this._evntElClick = e => { // Find top parent element if (e.target.closest('ul') && e.target.closest('ul').classList.contains('menu-inner')) { const menuItem = Menu._findParent(e.target, 'menu-item', false) // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-destructuring if (menuItem) this._topParent = menuItem.childNodes[0] } const toggleLink = e.target.classList.contains('menu-toggle') ? e.target : Menu._findParent(e.target, 'menu-toggle', false) if (toggleLink) { e.preventDefault() if (toggleLink.getAttribute('data-hover') !== 'true') { this.toggle(toggleLink) } } } if (window.Helpers.isMobileDevice) this._el.addEventListener('click', this._evntElClick) this._evntWindowResize = () => { this.update() if (this._lastWidth !== window.innerWidth) { this._lastWidth = window.innerWidth this.update() } const horizontalMenuTemplate = document.querySelector("[data-template^='horizontal-menu']") if (!this._horizontal && !horizontalMenuTemplate) this.manageScroll() } window.addEventListener('resize', this._evntWindowResize) } static childOf(/* child node */ c, /* parent node */ p) { // returns boolean if (c.parentNode) { while ((c = c.parentNode) && c !== p); return !!c } return false } _unbindEvents() { if (this._evntElClick) { this._el.removeEventListener('click', this._evntElClick) this._evntElClick = null } if (this._evntElMouseOver) { this._el.removeEventListener('mouseover', this._evntElMouseOver) this._evntElMouseOver = null } if (this._evntElMouseOut) { this._el.removeEventListener('mouseout', this._evntElMouseOut) this._evntElMouseOut = null } if (this._evntWindowResize) { window.removeEventListener('resize', this._evntWindowResize) this._evntWindowResize = null } if (this._evntBodyClick) { document.body.removeEventListener('click', this._evntBodyClick) this._evntBodyClick = null } if (this._evntInnerMousemove) { this._inner.removeEventListener('mousemove', this._evntInnerMousemove) this._evntInnerMousemove = null } if (this._evntInnerMouseleave) { this._inner.removeEventListener('mouseleave', this._evntInnerMouseleave) this._evntInnerMouseleave = null } } static _isRoot(item) { return !Menu._findParent(item, 'menu-item', false) } static _findParent(el, cls, throwError = true) { if (el.tagName.toUpperCase() === 'BODY') return null el = el.parentNode while (el.tagName.toUpperCase() !== 'BODY' && !el.classList.contains(cls)) { el = el.parentNode } el = el.tagName.toUpperCase() !== 'BODY' ? el : null if (!el && throwError) throw new Error(`Cannot find \`.${cls}\` parent element`) return el } static _findChild(el, cls) { const items = el.childNodes const found = [] for (let i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; i++) { if (items[i].classList) { let passed = 0 for (let j = 0; j < cls.length; j++) { if (items[i].classList.contains(cls[j])) passed += 1 } if (cls.length === passed) found.push(items[i]) } } return found } static _findMenu(item) { let curEl = item.childNodes[0] let menu = null while (curEl && !menu) { if (curEl.classList && curEl.classList.contains('menu-sub')) menu = curEl curEl = curEl.nextSibling } if (!menu) throw new Error('Cannot find `.menu-sub` element for the current `.menu-toggle`') return menu } // Has class static _hasClass(cls, el = window.Helpers.ROOT_EL) { let result = false cls.split(' ').forEach(c => { if (el.classList.contains(c)) result = true }) return result } open(el, closeChildren = this._closeChildren) { const item = this._findUnopenedParent(Menu._getItem(el, true), closeChildren) if (!item) return const toggleLink = Menu._getLink(item, true) Menu._promisify(this._onOpen, this, item, toggleLink, Menu._findMenu(item)) .then(() => { if (!this._horizontal || !Menu._isRoot(item)) { if (this._animate && !this._horizontal) { window.requestAnimationFrame(() => this._toggleAnimation(true, item, false)) if (this._accordion) this._closeOther(item, closeChildren) } else if (this._animate) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-expressions this._onOpened && this._onOpened(this, item, toggleLink, Menu._findMenu(item)) } else { item.classList.add('open') // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-expressions this._onOpened && this._onOpened(this, item, toggleLink, Menu._findMenu(item)) if (this._accordion) this._closeOther(item, closeChildren) } } else { // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-expressions this._onOpened && this._onOpened(this, item, toggleLink, Menu._findMenu(item)) } }) .catch(() => {}) } close(el, closeChildren = this._closeChildren, _autoClose = false) { const item = Menu._getItem(el, true) const toggleLink = Menu._getLink(el, true) if (!item.classList.contains('open') || item.classList.contains('disabled')) return Menu._promisify(this._onClose, this, item, toggleLink, Menu._findMenu(item), _autoClose) .then(() => { if (!this._horizontal || !Menu._isRoot(item)) { if (this._animate && !this._horizontal) { window.requestAnimationFrame(() => this._toggleAnimation(false, item, closeChildren)) } else { item.classList.remove('open') if (closeChildren) { const opened = item.querySelectorAll('.menu-item.open') for (let i = 0, l = opened.length; i < l; i++) opened[i].classList.remove('open') } // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-expressions this._onClosed && this._onClosed(this, item, toggleLink, Menu._findMenu(item)) } } else { // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-expressions this._onClosed && this._onClosed(this, item, toggleLink, Menu._findMenu(item)) } }) .catch(() => {}) } _closeOther(item, closeChildren) { const opened = Menu._findChild(item.parentNode, ['menu-item', 'open']) for (let i = 0, l = opened.length; i < l; i++) { if (opened[i] !== item) this.close(opened[i], closeChildren) } } toggle(el, closeChildren = this._closeChildren) { const item = Menu._getItem(el, true) // const toggleLink = Menu._getLink(el, true) if (item.classList.contains('open')) this.close(item, closeChildren) else this.open(item, closeChildren) } static _getItem(el, toggle) { let item = null const selector = toggle ? 'menu-toggle' : 'menu-link' if (el.classList.contains('menu-item')) { if (Menu._findChild(el, [selector]).length) item = el } else if (el.classList.contains(selector)) { item = el.parentNode.classList.contains('menu-item') ? el.parentNode : null } if (!item) { throw new Error(`${toggle ? 'Toggable ' : ''}\`.menu-item\` element not found.`) } return item } static _getLink(el, toggle) { let found = [] const selector = toggle ? 'menu-toggle' : 'menu-link' if (el.classList.contains(selector)) found = [el] else if (el.classList.contains('menu-item')) found = Menu._findChild(el, [selector]) if (!found.length) throw new Error(`\`${selector}\` element not found.`) return found[0] } _findUnopenedParent(item, closeChildren) { let tree = [] let parentItem = null while (item) { if (item.classList.contains('disabled')) { parentItem = null tree = [] } else { if (!item.classList.contains('open')) parentItem = item tree.push(item) } item = Menu._findParent(item, 'menu-item', false) } if (!parentItem) return null if (tree.length === 1) return parentItem tree = tree.slice(0, tree.indexOf(parentItem)) for (let i = 0, l = tree.length; i < l; i++) { tree[i].classList.add('open') if (this._accordion) { const openedItems = Menu._findChild(tree[i].parentNode, ['menu-item', 'open']) for (let j = 0, k = openedItems.length; j < k; j++) { if (openedItems[j] !== tree[i]) { openedItems[j].classList.remove('open') if (closeChildren) { const openedChildren = openedItems[j].querySelectorAll('.menu-item.open') for (let x = 0, z = openedChildren.length; x < z; x++) { openedChildren[x].classList.remove('open') } } } } } } return parentItem } _toggleAnimation(open, item, closeChildren) { const toggleLink = Menu._getLink(item, true) const menu = Menu._findMenu(item) Menu._unbindAnimationEndEvent(item) const linkHeight = Math.round(toggleLink.getBoundingClientRect().height) item.style.overflow = 'hidden' const clearItemStyle = () => { item.classList.remove('menu-item-animating') item.classList.remove('menu-item-closing') item.style.overflow = null item.style.height = null this.update() } if (open) { item.style.height = `${linkHeight}px` item.classList.add('menu-item-animating') item.classList.add('open') Menu._bindAnimationEndEvent(item, () => { clearItemStyle() this._onOpened(this, item, toggleLink, menu) }) setTimeout(() => { item.style.height = `${linkHeight + Math.round(menu.getBoundingClientRect().height)}px` }, 50) } else { item.style.height = `${linkHeight + Math.round(menu.getBoundingClientRect().height)}px` item.classList.add('menu-item-animating') item.classList.add('menu-item-closing') Menu._bindAnimationEndEvent(item, () => { item.classList.remove('open') clearItemStyle() if (closeChildren) { const opened = item.querySelectorAll('.menu-item.open') for (let i = 0, l = opened.length; i < l; i++) opened[i].classList.remove('open') } this._onClosed(this, item, toggleLink, menu) }) setTimeout(() => { item.style.height = `${linkHeight}px` }, 50) } } static _bindAnimationEndEvent(el, handler) { const cb = e => { if (e.target !== el) return Menu._unbindAnimationEndEvent(el) handler(e) } let duration = window.getComputedStyle(el).transitionDuration duration = parseFloat(duration) * (duration.indexOf('ms') !== -1 ? 1 : 1000) el._menuAnimationEndEventCb = cb TRANSITION_EVENTS.forEach(ev => el.addEventListener(ev, el._menuAnimationEndEventCb, false)) el._menuAnimationEndEventTimeout = setTimeout(() => { cb({ target: el }) }, duration + 50) } _getItemOffset(item) { let curItem = this._inner.childNodes[0] let left = 0 while (curItem !== item) { if (curItem.tagName) { left += Math.round(curItem.getBoundingClientRect().width) } curItem = curItem.nextSibling } return left } static _promisify(fn, ...args) { const result = fn(...args) if (result instanceof Promise) { return result } if (result === false) { return Promise.reject() } return Promise.resolve() } get _innerWidth() { const items = this._inner.childNodes let width = 0 for (let i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; i++) { if (items[i].tagName) { width += Math.round(items[i].getBoundingClientRect().width) } } return width } get _innerPosition() { return parseInt(this._inner.style[this._rtl ? 'marginRight' : 'marginLeft'] || '0px', 10) } set _innerPosition(value) { this._inner.style[this._rtl ? 'marginRight' : 'marginLeft'] = `${value}px` return value } static _unbindAnimationEndEvent(el) { const cb = el._menuAnimationEndEventCb if (el._menuAnimationEndEventTimeout) { clearTimeout(el._menuAnimationEndEventTimeout) el._menuAnimationEndEventTimeout = null } if (!cb) return TRANSITION_EVENTS.forEach(ev => el.removeEventListener(ev, cb, false)) el._menuAnimationEndEventCb = null } closeAll(closeChildren = this._closeChildren) { const opened = this._el.querySelectorAll('.menu-inner > .menu-item.open') for (let i = 0, l = opened.length; i < l; i++) this.close(opened[i], closeChildren) } static setDisabled(el, disabled) { Menu._getItem(el, false).classList[disabled ? 'add' : 'remove']('disabled') } static isActive(el) { return Menu._getItem(el, false).classList.contains('active') } static isOpened(el) { return Menu._getItem(el, false).classList.contains('open') } static isDisabled(el) { return Menu._getItem(el, false).classList.contains('disabled') } update() { if (this._scrollbar) { this._scrollbar.update() } } manageScroll() { const { PerfectScrollbar } = window const menuInner = document.querySelector('.menu-inner') if (window.innerWidth < window.Helpers.LAYOUT_BREAKPOINT) { if (this._scrollbar !== null) { // window.Helpers.menuPsScroll.destroy() this._scrollbar.destroy() this._scrollbar = null } menuInner.classList.add('overflow-auto') } else { if (this._scrollbar === null) { const menuScroll = new PerfectScrollbar(document.querySelector('.menu-inner'), { suppressScrollX: true, wheelPropagation: false }) this._scrollbar = menuScroll } menuInner.classList.remove('overflow-auto') } } destroy() { if (!this._el) return this._unbindEvents() const items = this._el.querySelectorAll('.menu-item') for (let i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; i++) { Menu._unbindAnimationEndEvent(items[i]) items[i].classList.remove('menu-item-animating') items[i].classList.remove('open') items[i].style.overflow = null items[i].style.height = null } const menus = this._el.querySelectorAll('.menu-menu') for (let i2 = 0, l2 = menus.length; i2 < l2; i2++) { menus[i2].style.marginRight = null menus[i2].style.marginLeft = null } this._el.classList.remove('menu-no-animation') if (this._wrapper) { this._prevBtn.parentNode.removeChild(this._prevBtn) this._nextBtn.parentNode.removeChild(this._nextBtn) this._wrapper.parentNode.insertBefore(this._inner, this._wrapper) this._wrapper.parentNode.removeChild(this._wrapper) this._inner.style.marginLeft = null this._inner.style.marginRight = null } this._el.menuInstance = null delete this._el.menuInstance this._el = null this._animate = null this._accordion = null this._closeChildren = null this._onOpen = null this._onOpened = null this._onClose = null this._onClosed = null if (this._scrollbar) { this._scrollbar.destroy() this._scrollbar = null } this._inner = null this._prevBtn = null this._wrapper = null this._nextBtn = null } } export { Menu }