solution = array('sid' => $sid, ); $this->uri = '/Accounts/' . \rawurlencode($sid) . '.json'; } /** * Fetch a AccountInstance * * @return AccountInstance Fetched AccountInstance * @throws TwilioException When an HTTP error occurs. */ public function fetch() { $params = Values::of(array()); $payload = $this->version->fetch( 'GET', $this->uri, $params ); return new AccountInstance($this->version, $payload, $this->solution['sid']); } /** * Update the AccountInstance * * @param array|Options $options Optional Arguments * @return AccountInstance Updated AccountInstance * @throws TwilioException When an HTTP error occurs. */ public function update($options = array()) { $options = new Values($options); $data = Values::of(array( 'FriendlyName' => $options['friendlyName'], 'Status' => $options['status'], )); $payload = $this->version->update( 'POST', $this->uri, array(), $data ); return new AccountInstance($this->version, $payload, $this->solution['sid']); } /** * Access the addresses * * @return \Twilio\Rest\Api\V2010\Account\AddressList */ protected function getAddresses() { if (!$this->_addresses) { $this->_addresses = new AddressList($this->version, $this->solution['sid']); } return $this->_addresses; } /** * Access the applications * * @return \Twilio\Rest\Api\V2010\Account\ApplicationList */ protected function getApplications() { if (!$this->_applications) { $this->_applications = new ApplicationList($this->version, $this->solution['sid']); } return $this->_applications; } /** * Access the authorizedConnectApps * * @return \Twilio\Rest\Api\V2010\Account\AuthorizedConnectAppList */ protected function getAuthorizedConnectApps() { if (!$this->_authorizedConnectApps) { $this->_authorizedConnectApps = new AuthorizedConnectAppList( $this->version, $this->solution['sid'] ); } return $this->_authorizedConnectApps; } /** * Access the availablePhoneNumbers * * @return \Twilio\Rest\Api\V2010\Account\AvailablePhoneNumberCountryList */ protected function getAvailablePhoneNumbers() { if (!$this->_availablePhoneNumbers) { $this->_availablePhoneNumbers = new AvailablePhoneNumberCountryList( $this->version, $this->solution['sid'] ); } return $this->_availablePhoneNumbers; } /** * Access the balance * * @return \Twilio\Rest\Api\V2010\Account\BalanceList */ protected function getBalance() { if (!$this->_balance) { $this->_balance = new BalanceList($this->version, $this->solution['sid']); } return $this->_balance; } /** * Access the calls * * @return \Twilio\Rest\Api\V2010\Account\CallList */ protected function getCalls() { if (!$this->_calls) { $this->_calls = new CallList($this->version, $this->solution['sid']); } return $this->_calls; } /** * Access the conferences * * @return \Twilio\Rest\Api\V2010\Account\ConferenceList */ protected function getConferences() { if (!$this->_conferences) { $this->_conferences = new ConferenceList($this->version, $this->solution['sid']); } return $this->_conferences; } /** * Access the connectApps * * @return \Twilio\Rest\Api\V2010\Account\ConnectAppList */ protected function getConnectApps() { if (!$this->_connectApps) { $this->_connectApps = new ConnectAppList($this->version, $this->solution['sid']); } return $this->_connectApps; } /** * Access the incomingPhoneNumbers * * @return \Twilio\Rest\Api\V2010\Account\IncomingPhoneNumberList */ protected function getIncomingPhoneNumbers() { if (!$this->_incomingPhoneNumbers) { $this->_incomingPhoneNumbers = new IncomingPhoneNumberList($this->version, $this->solution['sid']); } return $this->_incomingPhoneNumbers; } /** * Access the keys * * @return \Twilio\Rest\Api\V2010\Account\KeyList */ protected function getKeys() { if (!$this->_keys) { $this->_keys = new KeyList($this->version, $this->solution['sid']); } return $this->_keys; } /** * Access the messages * * @return \Twilio\Rest\Api\V2010\Account\MessageList */ protected function getMessages() { if (!$this->_messages) { $this->_messages = new MessageList($this->version, $this->solution['sid']); } return $this->_messages; } /** * Access the newKeys * * @return \Twilio\Rest\Api\V2010\Account\NewKeyList */ protected function getNewKeys() { if (!$this->_newKeys) { $this->_newKeys = new NewKeyList($this->version, $this->solution['sid']); } return $this->_newKeys; } /** * Access the newSigningKeys * * @return \Twilio\Rest\Api\V2010\Account\NewSigningKeyList */ protected function getNewSigningKeys() { if (!$this->_newSigningKeys) { $this->_newSigningKeys = new NewSigningKeyList($this->version, $this->solution['sid']); } return $this->_newSigningKeys; } /** * Access the notifications * * @return \Twilio\Rest\Api\V2010\Account\NotificationList */ protected function getNotifications() { if (!$this->_notifications) { $this->_notifications = new NotificationList($this->version, $this->solution['sid']); } return $this->_notifications; } /** * Access the outgoingCallerIds * * @return \Twilio\Rest\Api\V2010\Account\OutgoingCallerIdList */ protected function getOutgoingCallerIds() { if (!$this->_outgoingCallerIds) { $this->_outgoingCallerIds = new OutgoingCallerIdList($this->version, $this->solution['sid']); } return $this->_outgoingCallerIds; } /** * Access the queues * * @return \Twilio\Rest\Api\V2010\Account\QueueList */ protected function getQueues() { if (!$this->_queues) { $this->_queues = new QueueList($this->version, $this->solution['sid']); } return $this->_queues; } /** * Access the recordings * * @return \Twilio\Rest\Api\V2010\Account\RecordingList */ protected function getRecordings() { if (!$this->_recordings) { $this->_recordings = new RecordingList($this->version, $this->solution['sid']); } return $this->_recordings; } /** * Access the signingKeys * * @return \Twilio\Rest\Api\V2010\Account\SigningKeyList */ protected function getSigningKeys() { if (!$this->_signingKeys) { $this->_signingKeys = new SigningKeyList($this->version, $this->solution['sid']); } return $this->_signingKeys; } /** * Access the sip * * @return \Twilio\Rest\Api\V2010\Account\SipList */ protected function getSip() { if (!$this->_sip) { $this->_sip = new SipList($this->version, $this->solution['sid']); } return $this->_sip; } /** * Access the shortCodes * * @return \Twilio\Rest\Api\V2010\Account\ShortCodeList */ protected function getShortCodes() { if (!$this->_shortCodes) { $this->_shortCodes = new ShortCodeList($this->version, $this->solution['sid']); } return $this->_shortCodes; } /** * Access the tokens * * @return \Twilio\Rest\Api\V2010\Account\TokenList */ protected function getTokens() { if (!$this->_tokens) { $this->_tokens = new TokenList($this->version, $this->solution['sid']); } return $this->_tokens; } /** * Access the transcriptions * * @return \Twilio\Rest\Api\V2010\Account\TranscriptionList */ protected function getTranscriptions() { if (!$this->_transcriptions) { $this->_transcriptions = new TranscriptionList($this->version, $this->solution['sid']); } return $this->_transcriptions; } /** * Access the usage * * @return \Twilio\Rest\Api\V2010\Account\UsageList */ protected function getUsage() { if (!$this->_usage) { $this->_usage = new UsageList($this->version, $this->solution['sid']); } return $this->_usage; } /** * Access the validationRequests * * @return \Twilio\Rest\Api\V2010\Account\ValidationRequestList */ protected function getValidationRequests() { if (!$this->_validationRequests) { $this->_validationRequests = new ValidationRequestList($this->version, $this->solution['sid']); } return $this->_validationRequests; } /** * Magic getter to lazy load subresources * * @param string $name Subresource to return * @return \Twilio\ListResource The requested subresource * @throws TwilioException For unknown subresources */ public function __get($name) { if (\property_exists($this, '_' . $name)) { $method = 'get' . \ucfirst($name); return $this->$method(); } throw new TwilioException('Unknown subresource ' . $name); } /** * Magic caller to get resource contexts * * @param string $name Resource to return * @param array $arguments Context parameters * @return \Twilio\InstanceContext The requested resource context * @throws TwilioException For unknown resource */ public function __call($name, $arguments) { $property = $this->$name; if (\method_exists($property, 'getContext')) { return \call_user_func_array(array($property, 'getContext'), $arguments); } throw new TwilioException('Resource does not have a context'); } /** * Provide a friendly representation * * @return string Machine friendly representation */ public function __toString() { $context = array(); foreach ($this->solution as $key => $value) { $context[] = "$key=$value"; } return '[Twilio.Api.V2010.AccountContext ' . \implode(' ', $context) . ']'; } }