* @license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/MIT/ MIT */ class CapabilityToken { protected $accountSid; protected $authToken; private $friendlyName; /** @var Policy[] $policies */ private $policies; protected $baseUrl = 'https://taskrouter.twilio.com/v1'; protected $baseWsUrl = 'https://event-bridge.twilio.com/v1/wschannels'; protected $version = 'v1'; protected $workspaceSid; protected $channelId; protected $resourceUrl; protected $required = array("required" => true); protected $optional = array("required" => false); public function __construct($accountSid, $authToken, $workspaceSid, $channelId, $resourceUrl = null, $overrideBaseUrl = null, $overrideBaseWSUrl = null) { $this->accountSid = $accountSid; $this->authToken = $authToken; $this->friendlyName = $channelId; $this->policies = array(); $this->workspaceSid = $workspaceSid; $this->channelId = $channelId; if (isset($overrideBaseUrl)) { $this->baseUrl = $overrideBaseUrl; } if (isset($overrideBaseWSUrl)) { $this->baseWsUrl = $overrideBaseWSUrl; } $this->baseUrl = $this->baseUrl . '/Workspaces/' . $workspaceSid; $this->validateJWT(); if (!isset($resourceUrl)) { $this->setupResource(); } //add permissions to GET and POST to the event-bridge channel $this->allow($this->baseWsUrl . "/" . $this->accountSid . "/" . $this->channelId, "GET", null, null); $this->allow($this->baseWsUrl . "/" . $this->accountSid . "/" . $this->channelId, "POST", null, null); //add permissions to fetch the instance resource $this->allow($this->resourceUrl, "GET", null, null); } protected function setupResource() { } public function addPolicyDeconstructed($url, $method, $queryFilter = array(), $postFilter = array(), $allow = true) { $policy = new Policy($url, $method, $queryFilter, $postFilter, $allow); \array_push($this->policies, $policy); return $policy; } public function allow($url, $method, $queryFilter = array(), $postFilter = array()) { $this->addPolicyDeconstructed($url, $method, $queryFilter, $postFilter, true); } public function deny($url, $method, $queryFilter = array(), $postFilter = array()) { $this->addPolicyDeconstructed($url, $method, $queryFilter, $postFilter, false); } private function validateJWT() { if (!isset($this->accountSid) || \substr($this->accountSid, 0, 2) != 'AC') { throw new \Exception("Invalid AccountSid provided: " . $this->accountSid); } if (!isset($this->workspaceSid) || \substr($this->workspaceSid, 0, 2) != 'WS') { throw new \Exception("Invalid WorkspaceSid provided: " . $this->workspaceSid); } if (!isset($this->channelId)) { throw new \Exception("ChannelId not provided"); } $prefix = \substr($this->channelId, 0, 2); if ($prefix != 'WS' && $prefix != 'WK' && $prefix != 'WQ') { throw new \Exception("Invalid ChannelId provided: " . $this->channelId); } } public function allowFetchSubresources() { $method = 'GET'; $queryFilter = array(); $postFilter = array(); $this->allow($this->resourceUrl . '/**', $method, $queryFilter, $postFilter); } public function allowUpdates() { $method = 'POST'; $queryFilter = array(); $postFilter = array(); $this->allow($this->resourceUrl, $method, $queryFilter, $postFilter); } public function allowUpdatesSubresources() { $method = 'POST'; $queryFilter = array(); $postFilter = array(); $this->allow($this->resourceUrl . '/**', $method, $queryFilter, $postFilter); } public function allowDelete() { $method = 'DELETE'; $queryFilter = array(); $postFilter = array(); $this->allow($this->resourceUrl, $method, $queryFilter, $postFilter); } public function allowDeleteSubresources() { $method = 'DELETE'; $queryFilter = array(); $postFilter = array(); $this->allow($this->resourceUrl . '/**', $method, $queryFilter, $postFilter); } public function generateToken($ttl = 3600, $extraAttributes = array()) { $payload = array( 'version' => $this->version, 'friendly_name' => $this->friendlyName, 'iss' => $this->accountSid, 'exp' => \time() + $ttl, 'account_sid' => $this->accountSid, 'channel' => $this->channelId, 'workspace_sid' => $this->workspaceSid ); if (\substr($this->channelId, 0, 2) == 'WK') { $payload['worker_sid'] = $this->channelId; } else if (\substr($this->channelId, 0, 2) == 'WQ') { $payload['taskqueue_sid'] = $this->channelId; } foreach ($extraAttributes as $key => $value) { $payload[$key] = $value; } $policyStrings = array(); foreach ($this->policies as $policy) { $policyStrings[] = $policy->toArray(); } $payload['policies'] = $policyStrings; return JWT::encode($payload, $this->authToken, 'HS256'); } }