* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace SebastianBergmann\Diff; use SebastianBergmann\Diff\LCS\MemoryEfficientImplementation; use SebastianBergmann\Diff\LCS\TimeEfficientImplementation; use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; /** * @covers SebastianBergmann\Diff\Differ * * @uses SebastianBergmann\Diff\LCS\MemoryEfficientImplementation * @uses SebastianBergmann\Diff\LCS\TimeEfficientImplementation * @uses SebastianBergmann\Diff\Chunk * @uses SebastianBergmann\Diff\Diff * @uses SebastianBergmann\Diff\Line * @uses SebastianBergmann\Diff\Parser */ class DifferTest extends TestCase { const REMOVED = 2; const ADDED = 1; const OLD = 0; /** * @var Differ */ private $differ; protected function setUp() { $this->differ = new Differ; } /** * @param array $expected * @param string|array $from * @param string|array $to * @dataProvider arrayProvider */ public function testArrayRepresentationOfDiffCanBeRenderedUsingTimeEfficientLcsImplementation(array $expected, $from, $to) { $this->assertEquals($expected, $this->differ->diffToArray($from, $to, new TimeEfficientImplementation)); } /** * @param string $expected * @param string $from * @param string $to * @dataProvider textProvider */ public function testTextRepresentationOfDiffCanBeRenderedUsingTimeEfficientLcsImplementation($expected, $from, $to) { $this->assertEquals($expected, $this->differ->diff($from, $to, new TimeEfficientImplementation)); } /** * @param array $expected * @param string|array $from * @param string|array $to * @dataProvider arrayProvider */ public function testArrayRepresentationOfDiffCanBeRenderedUsingMemoryEfficientLcsImplementation(array $expected, $from, $to) { $this->assertEquals($expected, $this->differ->diffToArray($from, $to, new MemoryEfficientImplementation)); } /** * @param string $expected * @param string $from * @param string $to * @dataProvider textProvider */ public function testTextRepresentationOfDiffCanBeRenderedUsingMemoryEfficientLcsImplementation($expected, $from, $to) { $this->assertEquals($expected, $this->differ->diff($from, $to, new MemoryEfficientImplementation)); } public function testCustomHeaderCanBeUsed() { $differ = new Differ('CUSTOM HEADER'); $this->assertEquals( "CUSTOM HEADER@@ @@\n-a\n+b\n", $differ->diff('a', 'b') ); } public function testTypesOtherThanArrayAndStringCanBePassed() { $this->assertEquals( "--- Original\n+++ New\n@@ @@\n-1\n+2\n", $this->differ->diff(1, 2) ); } /** * @param string $diff * @param Diff[] $expected * @dataProvider diffProvider */ public function testParser($diff, array $expected) { $parser = new Parser; $result = $parser->parse($diff); $this->assertEquals($expected, $result); } public function arrayProvider() { return array( array( array( array('a', self::REMOVED), array('b', self::ADDED) ), 'a', 'b' ), array( array( array('ba', self::REMOVED), array('bc', self::ADDED) ), 'ba', 'bc' ), array( array( array('ab', self::REMOVED), array('cb', self::ADDED) ), 'ab', 'cb' ), array( array( array('abc', self::REMOVED), array('adc', self::ADDED) ), 'abc', 'adc' ), array( array( array('ab', self::REMOVED), array('abc', self::ADDED) ), 'ab', 'abc' ), array( array( array('bc', self::REMOVED), array('abc', self::ADDED) ), 'bc', 'abc' ), array( array( array('abc', self::REMOVED), array('abbc', self::ADDED) ), 'abc', 'abbc' ), array( array( array('abcdde', self::REMOVED), array('abcde', self::ADDED) ), 'abcdde', 'abcde' ), 'same start' => array( array( array(17, self::OLD), array('b', self::REMOVED), array('d', self::ADDED), ), array(30 => 17, 'a' => 'b'), array(30 => 17, 'c' => 'd'), ), 'same end' => array( array( array(1, self::REMOVED), array(2, self::ADDED), array('b', self::OLD), ), array(1 => 1, 'a' => 'b'), array(1 => 2, 'a' => 'b'), ), 'same start (2), same end (1)' => array( array( array(17, self::OLD), array(2, self::OLD), array(4, self::REMOVED), array('a', self::ADDED), array(5, self::ADDED), array('x', self::OLD), ), array(30 => 17, 1 => 2, 2 => 4, 'z' => 'x'), array(30 => 17, 1 => 2, 3 => 'a', 2 => 5, 'z' => 'x'), ), 'same' => array( array( array('x', self::OLD), ), array('z' => 'x'), array('z' => 'x'), ), 'diff' => array( array( array('y', self::REMOVED), array('x', self::ADDED), ), array('x' => 'y'), array('z' => 'x'), ), 'diff 2' => array( array( array('y', self::REMOVED), array('b', self::REMOVED), array('x', self::ADDED), array('d', self::ADDED), ), array('x' => 'y', 'a' => 'b'), array('z' => 'x', 'c' => 'd'), ), 'test line diff detection' => array( array( array( '#Warning: Strings contain different line endings!', self::OLD, ), array( 'assertSame($expected, $differ->diff($from, $to)); } public function textForNoNonDiffLinesProvider() { return array( array( '', 'a', 'a' ), array( "-A\n+C\n", "A\n\n\nB", "C\n\n\nB", ), ); } /** * @requires PHPUnit 5.7 */ public function testDiffToArrayInvalidFromType() { $differ = new Differ; $this->expectException('\InvalidArgumentException'); $this->expectExceptionMessageRegExp('#^"from" must be an array or string\.$#'); $differ->diffToArray(null, ''); } /** * @requires PHPUnit 5.7 */ public function testDiffInvalidToType() { $differ = new Differ; $this->expectException('\InvalidArgumentException'); $this->expectExceptionMessageRegExp('#^"to" must be an array or string\.$#'); $differ->diffToArray('', new \stdClass); } }