nx_key = $api_key; $this->nx_secret = $api_secret; } /** * Prepare new text message. * * If $unicode is not provided we will try to detect the * message type. Otherwise set to TRUE if you require * unicode characters. */ function sendText ( $to, $from, $message, $unicode=null ) { // Making sure strings are UTF-8 encoded if ( !is_numeric($from) && !mb_check_encoding($from, 'UTF-8') ) { trigger_error('$from needs to be a valid UTF-8 encoded string'); return false; } if ( !mb_check_encoding($message, 'UTF-8') ) { trigger_error('$message needs to be a valid UTF-8 encoded string'); return false; } if ($unicode === null) { $containsUnicode = max(array_map('ord', str_split($message))) > 127; } else { $containsUnicode = (bool)$unicode; } // Make sure $from is valid $from = $this->validateOriginator($from); // URL Encode $from = urlencode( $from ); $message = urlencode( $message ); // Send away! $post = array( 'from' => $from, 'to' => $to, 'text' => $message, 'type' => $containsUnicode ? 'unicode' : 'text' ); return $this->sendRequest ( $post ); } /** * Prepare new WAP message. */ function sendBinary ( $to, $from, $body, $udh ) { //Binary messages must be hex encoded $body = bin2hex ( $body ); $udh = bin2hex ( $udh ); // Make sure $from is valid $from = $this->validateOriginator($from); // Send away! $post = array( 'from' => $from, 'to' => $to, 'type' => 'binary', 'body' => $body, 'udh' => $udh ); return $this->sendRequest ( $post ); } /** * Prepare new binary message. */ function pushWap ( $to, $from, $title, $url, $validity = 172800000 ) { // Making sure $title and $url are UTF-8 encoded if ( !mb_check_encoding($title, 'UTF-8') || !mb_check_encoding($url, 'UTF-8') ) { trigger_error('$title and $udh need to be valid UTF-8 encoded strings'); return false; } // Make sure $from is valid $from = $this->validateOriginator($from); // Send away! $post = array( 'from' => $from, 'to' => $to, 'type' => 'wappush', 'url' => $url, 'title' => $title, 'validity' => $validity ); return $this->sendRequest ( $post ); } /** * Prepare and send a new message. */ private function sendRequest ( $data ) { // Build the post data $data = array_merge($data, array('username' => $this->nx_key, 'password' => $this->nx_secret)); $post = ''; foreach($data as $k => $v){ $post .= "&$k=$v"; } // If available, use CURL if (function_exists('curl_version')) { $to_nexmo = curl_init( $this->nx_uri ); curl_setopt( $to_nexmo, CURLOPT_POST, true ); curl_setopt( $to_nexmo, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true ); curl_setopt( $to_nexmo, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post ); if (!$this->ssl_verify) { curl_setopt( $to_nexmo, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); } $from_nexmo = curl_exec( $to_nexmo ); curl_close ( $to_nexmo ); } elseif (ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) { // No CURL available so try the awesome file_get_contents $opts = array('http' => array( 'method' => 'POST', 'header' => 'Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'content' => $post ) ); $context = stream_context_create($opts); $from_nexmo = file_get_contents($this->nx_uri, false, $context); } else { // No way of sending a HTTP post :( return false; } return $this->nexmoParse( $from_nexmo ); } /** * Recursively normalise any key names in an object, removing unwanted characters */ private function normaliseKeys ($obj) { // Determine is working with a class or araay if ($obj instanceof stdClass) { $new_obj = new stdClass(); $is_obj = true; } else { $new_obj = array(); $is_obj = false; } foreach($obj as $key => $val){ // If we come across another class/array, normalise it if ($val instanceof stdClass || is_array($val)) { $val = $this->normaliseKeys($val); } // Replace any unwanted characters in they key name if ($is_obj) { $new_obj->{str_replace('-', '', $key)} = $val; } else { $new_obj[str_replace('-', '', $key)] = $val; } } return $new_obj; } /** * Parse server response. */ private function nexmoParse ( $from_nexmo ) { $response = json_decode($from_nexmo); // Copy the response data into an object, removing any '-' characters from the key $response_obj = $this->normaliseKeys($response); if ($response_obj) { $this->nexmo_response = $response_obj; // Find the total cost of this message $response_obj->cost = $total_cost = 0; if (is_array($response_obj->messages)) { foreach ($response_obj->messages as $msg) { if (property_exists($msg, "messageprice")) { $total_cost = $total_cost + (float)$msg->messageprice; } } $response_obj->cost = $total_cost; } return $response_obj; } else { // A malformed response $this->nexmo_response = array(); return false; } } /** * Validate an originator string * * If the originator ('from' field) is invalid, some networks may reject the network * whilst stinging you with the financial cost! While this cannot correct them, it * will try its best to correctly format them. */ private function validateOriginator($inp){ // Remove any invalid characters $ret = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/', '', (string)$inp); if(preg_match('/[a-zA-Z]/', $inp)){ // Alphanumeric format so make sure it's < 11 chars $ret = substr($ret, 0, 11); } else { // Numerical, remove any prepending '00' if(substr($ret, 0, 2) == '00'){ $ret = substr($ret, 2); $ret = substr($ret, 0, 15); } } return (string)$ret; } /** * Display a brief overview of a sent message. * Useful for debugging and quick-start purposes. */ public function displayOverview( $nexmo_response=null ){ $info = (!$nexmo_response) ? $this->nexmo_response : $nexmo_response; if (!$nexmo_response ) return 'Cannot display an overview of this response'; // How many messages were sent? if ( $info->messagecount > 1 ) { $status = 'Your message was sent in ' . $info->messagecount . ' parts'; } elseif ( $info->messagecount == 1) { $status = 'Your message was sent'; } else { return 'There was an error sending your message'; } // Build an array of each message status and ID if (!is_array($info->messages)) $info->messages = array(); $message_status = array(); foreach ( $info->messages as $message ) { $tmp = array('id'=>'', 'status'=>0); if ( $message->status != 0) { $tmp['status'] = $message->errortext; } else { $tmp['status'] = 'OK'; $tmp['id'] = $message->messageid; } $message_status[] = $tmp; } // Build the output if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) { // HTML output $ret = '
'; $ret .= '
Message ID
'; foreach ($message_status as $mstat) { $ret .= '
'; } $ret .= '
'; } else { // CLI output $ret = "$status:\n"; // Get the sizes for the table $out_sizes = array('id'=>strlen('Message ID'), 'status'=>strlen('Status')); foreach ($message_status as $mstat) { if ($out_sizes['id'] < strlen($mstat['id'])) { $out_sizes['id'] = strlen($mstat['id']); } if ($out_sizes['status'] < strlen($mstat['status'])) { $out_sizes['status'] = strlen($mstat['status']); } } $ret .= ' '.str_pad('Status', $out_sizes['status'], ' ').' '; $ret .= str_pad('Message ID', $out_sizes['id'], ' ')."\n"; foreach ($message_status as $mstat) { $ret .= ' '.str_pad($mstat['status'], $out_sizes['status'], ' ').' '; $ret .= str_pad($mstat['id'], $out_sizes['id'], ' ')."\n"; } } return $ret; } /** * Inbound text methods */ /** * Check for any inbound messages, using $_GET by default. * * This will set the current message to the inbound * message allowing for a future reply() call. */ public function inboundText( $data=null ){ if(!$data) $data = $_GET; if(!isset($data['text'], $data['msisdn'], $data['to'])) return false; // Get the relevant data $this->to = $data['to']; $this->from = $data['msisdn']; $this->text = $data['text']; $this->network = (isset($data['network-code'])) ? $data['network-code'] : ''; $this->message_id = $data['messageId']; // Flag that we have an inbound message $this->inbound_message = true; return true; } /** * Reply the current message if one is set. */ public function reply ($message) { // Make sure we actually have a text to reply to if (!$this->inbound_message) { return false; } return $this->sendText($this->from, $this->to, $message); } }