array('method' => 'GET', 'url' => '/account/get-balance/{k}/{s}'), 'get_pricing' => array('method' => 'GET', 'url' => '/account/get-pricing/outbound/{k}/{s}/{country_code}'), 'get_own_numbers' => array('method' => 'GET', 'url' => '/account/numbers/{k}/{s}'), 'search_numbers' => array('method' => 'GET', 'url' => '/number/search/{k}/{s}/{country_code}?pattern={pattern}'), 'buy_number' => array('method' => 'POST', 'url' => '/number/buy/{k}/{s}/{country_code}/{msisdn}'), 'cancel_number' => array('method' => 'POST', 'url' => '/number/cancel/{k}/{s}/{country_code}/{msisdn}') ); private $cache = array(); /** * @param $nx_key Your Nexmo account key * @param $nx_secret Your Nexmo secret */ public function __construct ($api_key, $api_secret) { $this->nx_key = $api_key; $this->nx_secret = $api_secret; } /** * Return your account balance in Euros * @return float|bool */ public function balance () { if (!isset($this->cache['balance'])) { $tmp = $this->apiCall('get_balance'); if (!$tmp['data']) return false; $this->cache['balance'] = $tmp['data']['value']; } return (float)$this->cache['balance']; } /** * Find out the price to send a message to a country * @param $country_code Country code to return the SMS price for * @return float|bool */ public function smsPricing ($country_code) { $country_code = strtoupper($country_code); if (!isset($this->cache['country_codes'])) $this->cache['country_codes'] = array(); if (!isset($this->cache['country_codes'][$country_code])) { $tmp = $this->apiCall('get_pricing', array('country_code'=>$country_code)); if (!$tmp['data']) return false; $this->cache['country_codes'][$country_code] = $tmp['data']; } return (float)$this->cache['country_codes'][$country_code]['mt']; } /** * Return a countries international dialing code * @param $country_code Country code to return the dialing code for * @return string|bool */ public function getCountryDialingCode ($country_code) { $country_code = strtoupper($country_code); if (!isset($this->cache['country_codes'])) $this->cache['country_codes'] = array(); if (!isset($this->cache['country_codes'][$country_code])) { $tmp = $this->apiCall('get_pricing', array('country_code'=>$country_code)); if (!$tmp['data']) return false; $this->cache['country_codes'][$country_code] = $tmp['data']; } return (string)$this->cache['country_codes'][$country_code]['prefix']; } /** * Get an array of all purchased numbers for your account * @return array|bool */ public function numbersList () { if (!isset($this->cache['own_numbers'])) { $tmp = $this->apiCall('get_own_numbers'); if (!$tmp['data']) return false; $this->cache['own_numbers'] = $tmp['data']; } if (!$this->cache['own_numbers']['numbers']) { return array(); } return $this->cache['own_numbers']['numbers']; } /** * Search available numbers to purchase for your account * @param $country_code Country code to search available numbers in * @param $pattern Number pattern to search for * @return bool */ public function numbersSearch ($country_code, $pattern) { $country_code = strtoupper($country_code); $tmp = $this->apiCall('search_numbers', array('country_code'=>$country_code, 'pattern'=>$pattern)); if (!$tmp['data'] || !isset($tmp['data']['numbers'])) return false; return $tmp['data']['numbers']; } /** * Purchase an available number to your account * @param $country_code Country code for your desired number * @param $msisdn Full number which you wish to purchase * @return bool */ public function numbersBuy ($country_code, $msisdn) { $country_code = strtoupper($country_code); $tmp = $this->apiCall('buy_number', array('country_code'=>$country_code, 'msisdn'=>$msisdn)); return ($tmp['http_code'] === 200); } /** * Cancel an existing number on your account * @param $country_code Country code for which the number is for * @param $msisdn The number to cancel * @return bool */ public function numbersCancel ($country_code, $msisdn) { $country_code = strtoupper($country_code); $tmp = $this->apiCall('cancel_number', array('country_code'=>$country_code, 'msisdn'=>$msisdn)); return ($tmp['http_code'] === 200); } /** * Run a REST command on Nexmo SMS services * @param $command * @param array $data * @return array|bool */ private function apiCall($command, $data=array()) { if (!isset($this->rest_commands[$command])) { return false; } $cmd = $this->rest_commands[$command]; $url = $cmd['url']; $url = str_replace(array('{k}', '{s}') ,array($this->nx_key, $this->nx_secret), $url); $parsed_data = array(); foreach ($data as $k => $v) $parsed_data['{'.$k.'}'] = $v; $url = str_replace(array_keys($parsed_data) ,array_values($parsed_data), $url); $url = trim($this->rest_base_url, '/') . $url; $post_data = ''; // If available, use CURL if (function_exists('curl_version')) { $to_nexmo = curl_init( $url ); curl_setopt( $to_nexmo, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true ); curl_setopt( $to_nexmo, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt($to_nexmo, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Accept: application/json')); if ($cmd['method'] == 'POST') { curl_setopt( $to_nexmo, CURLOPT_POST, true ); curl_setopt( $to_nexmo, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post_data ); } $from_nexmo = curl_exec( $to_nexmo ); $curl_info = curl_getinfo($to_nexmo); $http_response_code = $curl_info['http_code']; curl_close ( $to_nexmo ); } elseif (ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) { // No CURL available so try the awesome file_get_contents $opts = array('http' => array( 'method' => 'GET', 'header' => 'Accept: application/json' ) ); if ($cmd['method'] == 'POST') { $opts['http']['method'] = 'POST'; $opts['http']['header'] .= "\r\nContent-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; $opts['http']['content'] = $post_data; } $context = stream_context_create($opts); $from_nexmo = file_get_contents($url, false, $context); // et the response code preg_match('/HTTP\/[^ ]+ ([0-9]+)/i', $http_response_header[0], $m); $http_response_code = $m[1]; } else { // No way of sending a HTTP post :( return false; } $data = json_decode($from_nexmo, true); return array( 'data' => $data, 'http_code' => (int)$http_response_code ); } }