loop = $loop; $this->context = $context; } public function connect($uri) { if (\strpos($uri, '://') === false) { $uri = 'tcp://' . $uri; } $parts = \parse_url($uri); if (!$parts || !isset($parts['scheme'], $parts['host'], $parts['port']) || $parts['scheme'] !== 'tcp') { return Promise\reject(new \InvalidArgumentException('Given URI "' . $uri . '" is invalid')); } $ip = \trim($parts['host'], '[]'); if (false === \filter_var($ip, \FILTER_VALIDATE_IP)) { return Promise\reject(new \InvalidArgumentException('Given URI "' . $ip . '" does not contain a valid host IP')); } // use context given in constructor $context = array( 'socket' => $this->context ); // parse arguments from query component of URI $args = array(); if (isset($parts['query'])) { \parse_str($parts['query'], $args); } // If an original hostname has been given, use this for TLS setup. // This can happen due to layers of nested connectors, such as a // DnsConnector reporting its original hostname. // These context options are here in case TLS is enabled later on this stream. // If TLS is not enabled later, this doesn't hurt either. if (isset($args['hostname'])) { $context['ssl'] = array( 'SNI_enabled' => true, 'peer_name' => $args['hostname'] ); // Legacy PHP < 5.6 ignores peer_name and requires legacy context options instead. // The SNI_server_name context option has to be set here during construction, // as legacy PHP ignores any values set later. // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart if (\PHP_VERSION_ID < 50600) { $context['ssl'] += array( 'SNI_server_name' => $args['hostname'], 'CN_match' => $args['hostname'] ); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } // latest versions of PHP no longer accept any other URI components and // HHVM fails to parse URIs with a query but no path, so let's simplify our URI here $remote = 'tcp://' . $parts['host'] . ':' . $parts['port']; $stream = @\stream_socket_client( $remote, $errno, $errstr, 0, \STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT | \STREAM_CLIENT_ASYNC_CONNECT, \stream_context_create($context) ); if (false === $stream) { return Promise\reject(new \RuntimeException( \sprintf("Connection to %s failed: %s", $uri, $errstr), $errno )); } // wait for connection $loop = $this->loop; return new Promise\Promise(function ($resolve, $reject) use ($loop, $stream, $uri) { $loop->addWriteStream($stream, function ($stream) use ($loop, $resolve, $reject, $uri) { $loop->removeWriteStream($stream); // The following hack looks like the only way to // detect connection refused errors with PHP's stream sockets. if (false === \stream_socket_get_name($stream, true)) { \fclose($stream); $reject(new \RuntimeException('Connection to ' . $uri . ' failed: Connection refused')); } else { $resolve(new Connection($stream, $loop)); } }); }, function () use ($loop, $stream, $uri) { $loop->removeWriteStream($stream); \fclose($stream); // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart // legacy PHP 5.3 sometimes requires a second close call (see tests) if (\PHP_VERSION_ID < 50400 && \is_resource($stream)) { \fclose($stream); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd throw new \RuntimeException('Connection to ' . $uri . ' cancelled during TCP/IP handshake'); }); } }