connector = $connector; $this->resolver = $resolver; } public function connect($uri) { if (\strpos($uri, '://') === false) { $parts = \parse_url('tcp://' . $uri); unset($parts['scheme']); } else { $parts = \parse_url($uri); } if (!$parts || !isset($parts['host'])) { return Promise\reject(new \InvalidArgumentException('Given URI "' . $uri . '" is invalid')); } $host = \trim($parts['host'], '[]'); $connector = $this->connector; // skip DNS lookup / URI manipulation if this URI already contains an IP if (false !== \filter_var($host, \FILTER_VALIDATE_IP)) { return $connector->connect($uri); } $promise = $this->resolver->resolve($host); $resolved = null; return new Promise\Promise( function ($resolve, $reject) use (&$promise, &$resolved, $uri, $connector, $host, $parts) { // resolve/reject with result of DNS lookup $promise->then(function ($ip) use (&$promise, &$resolved, $connector, $host, $parts) { $resolved = $ip; $uri = ''; // prepend original scheme if known if (isset($parts['scheme'])) { $uri .= $parts['scheme'] . '://'; } if (\strpos($ip, ':') !== false) { // enclose IPv6 addresses in square brackets before appending port $uri .= '[' . $ip . ']'; } else { $uri .= $ip; } // append original port if known if (isset($parts['port'])) { $uri .= ':' . $parts['port']; } // append orignal path if known if (isset($parts['path'])) { $uri .= $parts['path']; } // append original query if known if (isset($parts['query'])) { $uri .= '?' . $parts['query']; } // append original hostname as query if resolved via DNS and if // destination URI does not contain "hostname" query param already $args = array(); \parse_str(isset($parts['query']) ? $parts['query'] : '', $args); if ($host !== $ip && !isset($args['hostname'])) { $uri .= (isset($parts['query']) ? '&' : '?') . 'hostname=' . \rawurlencode($host); } // append original fragment if known if (isset($parts['fragment'])) { $uri .= '#' . $parts['fragment']; } return $promise = $connector->connect($uri); }, function ($e) use ($uri, $reject) { $reject(new \RuntimeException('Connection to ' . $uri .' failed during DNS lookup: ' . $e->getMessage(), 0, $e)); })->then($resolve, $reject); }, function ($_, $reject) use (&$promise, &$resolved, $uri) { // cancellation should reject connection attempt // reject DNS resolution with custom reason, otherwise rely on connection cancellation below if ($resolved === null) { $reject(new \RuntimeException('Connection to ' . $uri . ' cancelled during DNS lookup')); } // (try to) cancel pending DNS lookup / connection attempt if ($promise instanceof CancellablePromiseInterface) { // overwrite callback arguments for PHP7+ only, so they do not show // up in the Exception trace and do not cause a possible cyclic reference. $_ = $reject = null; $promise->cancel(); $promise = null; } } ); } }