executor = $executor; $this->cache = $cache; } public function query(Query $query) { $id = $query->name . ':' . $query->type . ':' . $query->class; $cache = $this->cache; $that = $this; $executor = $this->executor; $pending = $cache->get($id); return new Promise(function ($resolve, $reject) use ($query, $id, $cache, $executor, &$pending, $that) { $pending->then( function ($message) use ($query, $id, $cache, $executor, &$pending, $that) { // return cached response message on cache hit if ($message !== null) { return $message; } // perform DNS lookup if not already cached return $pending = $executor->query($query)->then( function (Message $message) use ($cache, $id, $that) { // DNS response message received => store in cache when not truncated and return if (!$message->tc) { $cache->set($id, $message, $that->ttl($message)); } return $message; } ); } )->then($resolve, function ($e) use ($reject, &$pending) { $reject($e); $pending = null; }); }, function ($_, $reject) use (&$pending, $query) { $reject(new \RuntimeException('DNS query for ' . $query->name . ' has been cancelled')); $pending->cancel(); $pending = null; }); } /** * @param Message $message * @return int * @internal */ public function ttl(Message $message) { // select TTL from answers (should all be the same), use smallest value if available // @link https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2181#section-5.2 $ttl = null; foreach ($message->answers as $answer) { if ($ttl === null || $answer->ttl < $ttl) { $ttl = $answer->ttl; } } if ($ttl === null) { $ttl = self::TTL; } return $ttl; } }