closeFrameChecker = $frameChecker; $this->checkForMask = (bool)$expectMask; $this->exceptionFactory ?: $this->exceptionFactory = function($msg) { return new \UnderflowException($msg); }; $this->onMessage = $onMessage; $this->onControl = $onControl ?: function() {}; $this->leftovers = ''; $memory_limit_bytes = static::getMemoryLimit(); if ($maxMessagePayloadSize === null) { $maxMessagePayloadSize = $memory_limit_bytes / 4; } if ($maxFramePayloadSize === null) { $maxFramePayloadSize = $memory_limit_bytes / 4; } if (!is_int($maxFramePayloadSize) || $maxFramePayloadSize > 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF || $maxFramePayloadSize < 0) { // this should be interesting on non-64 bit systems throw new \InvalidArgumentException($maxFramePayloadSize . ' is not a valid maxFramePayloadSize'); } $this->maxFramePayloadSize = $maxFramePayloadSize; if (!is_int($maxMessagePayloadSize) || $maxMessagePayloadSize > 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF || $maxMessagePayloadSize < 0) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException($maxMessagePayloadSize . 'is not a valid maxMessagePayloadSize'); } $this->maxMessagePayloadSize = $maxMessagePayloadSize; } public function onData($data) { $data = $this->leftovers . $data; $dataLen = strlen($data); if ($dataLen < 2) { $this->leftovers = $data; return; } $frameStart = 0; while ($frameStart + 2 <= $dataLen) { $headerSize = 2; $payload_length = unpack('C', $data[$frameStart + 1] & "\x7f")[1]; $isMasked = ($data[$frameStart + 1] & "\x80") === "\x80"; $headerSize += $isMasked ? 4 : 0; if ($payload_length > 125 && ($dataLen - $frameStart < $headerSize + 125)) { // no point of checking - this frame is going to be bigger than the buffer is right now break; } if ($payload_length > 125) { $payloadLenBytes = $payload_length === 126 ? 2 : 8; $headerSize += $payloadLenBytes; $bytesToUpack = substr($data, $frameStart + 2, $payloadLenBytes); $payload_length = $payload_length === 126 ? unpack('n', $bytesToUpack)[1] : unpack('J', $bytesToUpack)[1]; } $closeFrame = null; if ($payload_length < 0) { // this can happen when unpacking in php $closeFrame = $this->newCloseFrame(Frame::CLOSE_PROTOCOL, 'Invalid frame length'); } if (!$closeFrame && $this->maxFramePayloadSize > 1 && $payload_length > $this->maxFramePayloadSize) { $closeFrame = $this->newCloseFrame(Frame::CLOSE_TOO_BIG, 'Maximum frame size exceeded'); } if (!$closeFrame && $this->maxMessagePayloadSize > 0 && $payload_length + ($this->messageBuffer ? $this->messageBuffer->getPayloadLength() : 0) > $this->maxMessagePayloadSize) { $closeFrame = $this->newCloseFrame(Frame::CLOSE_TOO_BIG, 'Maximum message size exceeded'); } if ($closeFrame !== null) { $onControl = $this->onControl; $onControl($closeFrame); $this->leftovers = ''; return; } $isCoalesced = $dataLen - $frameStart >= $payload_length + $headerSize; if (!$isCoalesced) { break; } $this->processData(substr($data, $frameStart, $payload_length + $headerSize)); $frameStart = $frameStart + $payload_length + $headerSize; } $this->leftovers = substr($data, $frameStart); } /** * @param string $data * @return null */ private function processData($data) { $this->messageBuffer ?: $this->messageBuffer = $this->newMessage(); $this->frameBuffer ?: $this->frameBuffer = $this->newFrame(); $this->frameBuffer->addBuffer($data); $onMessage = $this->onMessage; $onControl = $this->onControl; $this->frameBuffer = $this->frameCheck($this->frameBuffer); $this->frameBuffer->unMaskPayload(); $opcode = $this->frameBuffer->getOpcode(); if ($opcode > 2) { $onControl($this->frameBuffer); if (Frame::OP_CLOSE === $opcode) { return ''; } } else { $this->messageBuffer->addFrame($this->frameBuffer); } $this->frameBuffer = null; if ($this->messageBuffer->isCoalesced()) { $msgCheck = $this->checkMessage($this->messageBuffer); $msgBuffer = $this->messageBuffer; $this->messageBuffer = null; if (true !== $msgCheck) { $onControl($this->newCloseFrame($msgCheck, 'Ratchet detected an invalid UTF-8 payload')); } else { $onMessage($msgBuffer); } } } /** * Check a frame to be added to the current message buffer * @param \Ratchet\RFC6455\Messaging\FrameInterface|FrameInterface $frame * @return \Ratchet\RFC6455\Messaging\FrameInterface|FrameInterface */ public function frameCheck(FrameInterface $frame) { if (false !== $frame->getRsv1() || false !== $frame->getRsv2() || false !== $frame->getRsv3() ) { return $this->newCloseFrame(Frame::CLOSE_PROTOCOL, 'Ratchet detected an invalid reserve code'); } if ($this->checkForMask && !$frame->isMasked()) { return $this->newCloseFrame(Frame::CLOSE_PROTOCOL, 'Ratchet detected an incorrect frame mask'); } $opcode = $frame->getOpcode(); if ($opcode > 2) { if ($frame->getPayloadLength() > 125 || !$frame->isFinal()) { return $this->newCloseFrame(Frame::CLOSE_PROTOCOL, 'Ratchet detected a mismatch between final bit and indicated payload length'); } switch ($opcode) { case Frame::OP_CLOSE: $closeCode = 0; $bin = $frame->getPayload(); if (empty($bin)) { return $this->newCloseFrame(Frame::CLOSE_NORMAL); } if (strlen($bin) === 1) { return $this->newCloseFrame(Frame::CLOSE_PROTOCOL, 'Ratchet detected an invalid close code'); } if (strlen($bin) >= 2) { list($closeCode) = array_merge(unpack('n*', substr($bin, 0, 2))); } $checker = $this->closeFrameChecker; if (!$checker($closeCode)) { return $this->newCloseFrame(Frame::CLOSE_PROTOCOL, 'Ratchet detected an invalid close code'); } if (!$this->checkUtf8(substr($bin, 2))) { return $this->newCloseFrame(Frame::CLOSE_BAD_PAYLOAD, 'Ratchet detected an invalid UTF-8 payload in the close reason'); } return $frame; break; case Frame::OP_PING: case Frame::OP_PONG: break; default: return $this->newCloseFrame(Frame::CLOSE_PROTOCOL, 'Ratchet detected an invalid OP code'); break; } return $frame; } if (Frame::OP_CONTINUE === $frame->getOpcode() && 0 === count($this->messageBuffer)) { return $this->newCloseFrame(Frame::CLOSE_PROTOCOL, 'Ratchet detected the first frame of a message was a continue'); } if (count($this->messageBuffer) > 0 && Frame::OP_CONTINUE !== $frame->getOpcode()) { return $this->newCloseFrame(Frame::CLOSE_PROTOCOL, 'Ratchet detected invalid OP code when expecting continue frame'); } return $frame; } /** * Determine if a message is valid * @param \Ratchet\RFC6455\Messaging\MessageInterface * @return bool|int true if valid - false if incomplete - int of recommended close code */ public function checkMessage(MessageInterface $message) { if (!$message->isBinary()) { if (!$this->checkUtf8($message->getPayload())) { return Frame::CLOSE_BAD_PAYLOAD; } } return true; } private function checkUtf8($string) { if (extension_loaded('mbstring')) { return mb_check_encoding($string, 'UTF-8'); } return preg_match('//u', $string); } /** * @return \Ratchet\RFC6455\Messaging\MessageInterface */ public function newMessage() { return new Message; } /** * @param string|null $payload * @param bool|null $final * @param int|null $opcode * @return \Ratchet\RFC6455\Messaging\FrameInterface */ public function newFrame($payload = null, $final = null, $opcode = null) { return new Frame($payload, $final, $opcode, $this->exceptionFactory); } public function newCloseFrame($code, $reason = '') { return $this->newFrame(pack('n', $code) . $reason, true, Frame::OP_CLOSE); } /** * This is a separate function for testing purposes * $memory_limit is only used for testing * * @param null|string $memory_limit * @return int */ private static function getMemoryLimit($memory_limit = null) { $memory_limit = $memory_limit === null ? \trim(\ini_get('memory_limit')) : $memory_limit; $memory_limit_bytes = 0; if ($memory_limit !== '') { $shifty = ['k' => 0, 'm' => 10, 'g' => 20]; $multiplier = strlen($memory_limit) > 1 ? substr(strtolower($memory_limit), -1) : ''; $memory_limit = (int)$memory_limit; $memory_limit_bytes = in_array($multiplier, array_keys($shifty), true) ? $memory_limit * 1024 << $shifty[$multiplier] : $memory_limit; } return $memory_limit_bytes < 0 ? 0 : $memory_limit_bytes; } }