verifier = $requestVerifier; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function isProtocol(RequestInterface $request) { return $this->verifier->verifyVersion($request->getHeader('Sec-WebSocket-Version')); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getVersionNumber() { return RequestVerifier::VERSION; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function handshake(RequestInterface $request) { if (true !== $this->verifier->verifyMethod($request->getMethod())) { return new Response(405, ['Allow' => 'GET']); } if (true !== $this->verifier->verifyHTTPVersion($request->getProtocolVersion())) { return new Response(505); } if (true !== $this->verifier->verifyRequestURI($request->getUri()->getPath())) { return new Response(400); } if (true !== $this->verifier->verifyHost($request->getHeader('Host'))) { return new Response(400); } $upgradeSuggestion = [ 'Connection' => 'Upgrade', 'Upgrade' => 'websocket', 'Sec-WebSocket-Version' => $this->getVersionNumber() ]; if (count($this->_supportedSubProtocols) > 0) { $upgradeSuggestion['Sec-WebSocket-Protocol'] = implode(', ', array_keys($this->_supportedSubProtocols)); } if (true !== $this->verifier->verifyUpgradeRequest($request->getHeader('Upgrade'))) { return new Response(426, $upgradeSuggestion, null, '1.1', 'Upgrade header MUST be provided'); } if (true !== $this->verifier->verifyConnection($request->getHeader('Connection'))) { return new Response(400, [], null, '1.1', 'Connection Upgrade MUST be requested'); } if (true !== $this->verifier->verifyKey($request->getHeader('Sec-WebSocket-Key'))) { return new Response(400, [], null, '1.1', 'Invalid Sec-WebSocket-Key'); } if (true !== $this->verifier->verifyVersion($request->getHeader('Sec-WebSocket-Version'))) { return new Response(426, $upgradeSuggestion); } $headers = []; $subProtocols = $request->getHeader('Sec-WebSocket-Protocol'); if (count($subProtocols) > 0 || (count($this->_supportedSubProtocols) > 0 && $this->_strictSubProtocols)) { $subProtocols = array_map('trim', explode(',', implode(',', $subProtocols))); $match = array_reduce($subProtocols, function($accumulator, $protocol) { return $accumulator ?: (isset($this->_supportedSubProtocols[$protocol]) ? $protocol : null); }, null); if ($this->_strictSubProtocols && null === $match) { return new Response(426, $upgradeSuggestion, null, '1.1', 'No Sec-WebSocket-Protocols requested supported'); } if (null !== $match) { $headers['Sec-WebSocket-Protocol'] = $match; } } return new Response(101, array_merge($headers, [ 'Upgrade' => 'websocket' , 'Connection' => 'Upgrade' , 'Sec-WebSocket-Accept' => $this->sign((string)$request->getHeader('Sec-WebSocket-Key')[0]) , 'X-Powered-By' => 'Ratchet' ])); } /** * Used when doing the handshake to encode the key, verifying client/server are speaking the same language * @param string $key * @return string * @internal */ public function sign($key) { return base64_encode(sha1($key . static::GUID, true)); } /** * @param array $protocols */ function setSupportedSubProtocols(array $protocols) { $this->_supportedSubProtocols = array_flip($protocols); } /** * If enabled and support for a subprotocol has been added handshake * will not upgrade if a match between request and supported subprotocols * @param boolean $enable * @todo Consider extending this interface and moving this there. * The spec does says the server can fail for this reason, but * it is not a requirement. This is an implementation detail. */ function setStrictSubProtocolCheck($enable) { $this->_strictSubProtocols = (boolean)$enable; } }