verifyMethod($request->getMethod()); $passes += (int)$this->verifyHTTPVersion($request->getProtocolVersion()); $passes += (int)$this->verifyRequestURI($request->getUri()->getPath()); $passes += (int)$this->verifyHost($request->getHeader('Host')); $passes += (int)$this->verifyUpgradeRequest($request->getHeader('Upgrade')); $passes += (int)$this->verifyConnection($request->getHeader('Connection')); $passes += (int)$this->verifyKey($request->getHeader('Sec-WebSocket-Key')); $passes += (int)$this->verifyVersion($request->getHeader('Sec-WebSocket-Version')); return (8 === $passes); } /** * Test the HTTP method. MUST be "GET" * @param string * @return bool */ public function verifyMethod($val) { return ('get' === strtolower($val)); } /** * Test the HTTP version passed. MUST be 1.1 or greater * @param string|int * @return bool */ public function verifyHTTPVersion($val) { return (1.1 <= (double)$val); } /** * @param string * @return bool */ public function verifyRequestURI($val) { if ($val[0] !== '/') { return false; } if (false !== strstr($val, '#')) { return false; } if (!extension_loaded('mbstring')) { return true; } return mb_check_encoding($val, 'US-ASCII'); } /** * @param array $hostHeader * @return bool * @todo Once I fix HTTP::getHeaders just verify this isn't NULL or empty...or maybe need to verify it's a valid domain??? Or should it equal $_SERVER['HOST'] ? */ public function verifyHost(array $hostHeader) { return (1 === count($hostHeader)); } /** * Verify the Upgrade request to WebSockets. * @param array $upgradeHeader MUST equal "websocket" * @return bool */ public function verifyUpgradeRequest(array $upgradeHeader) { return (1 === count($upgradeHeader) && 'websocket' === strtolower($upgradeHeader[0])); } /** * Verify the Connection header * @param array $connectionHeader MUST include "Upgrade" * @return bool */ public function verifyConnection(array $connectionHeader) { foreach ($connectionHeader as $l) { $upgrades = array_filter( array_map('trim', array_map('strtolower', explode(',', $l))), function ($x) { return 'upgrade' === $x; } ); if (count($upgrades) > 0) { return true; } } return false; } /** * This function verifies the nonce is valid (64 big encoded, 16 bytes random string) * @param array $keyHeader * @return bool * @todo The spec says we don't need to base64_decode - can I just check if the length is 24 and not decode? * @todo Check the spec to see what the encoding of the key could be */ public function verifyKey(array $keyHeader) { return (1 === count($keyHeader) && 16 === strlen(base64_decode($keyHeader[0]))); } /** * Verify the version passed matches this RFC * @param string|int $versionHeader MUST equal 13|"13" * @return bool */ public function verifyVersion($versionHeader) { return (1 === count($versionHeader) && static::VERSION === (int)$versionHeader[0]); } /** * @todo Write logic for this method. See section */ public function verifyProtocol($val) { } /** * @todo Write logic for this method. See section */ public function verifyExtensions($val) { } }